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Fake Type Knights, Always Accepting!

Spirit of DMG

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Just finished filing' date=' compiling,faxing, and eating the report so here you go:

POW report #3

The POW has shown some promise in the areas of tactics,mathmatics,and inforamtion gathering. I'm now moving forward with my tests in an attempt to push her limits. I'm worried though that her limits seem to border on that of a genius not found in anyone since Albert Einstein (who not only came up with E=mc2 but also developed the chronosphere). I hope that in time she will begin to see eye to eye with us and join us. otherwise we may have a serious problem on our hands.



So you didn't have an eye contact with her, may I be first? I just want to have a little private talk, if it increases your confidence, I keep my lightsaber outside of the cell.

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Newton's Law of Theory:


Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.


Try pummeling the POW with random facts that not many know, then, when she can't take the torture anymore, force the POW to join you. The POW's brain won't be able to process much, for all it's trying to do is find answers. It will forget it's trying to prevent becoming a Fake Knight, and the POW will be easy prey.

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ill use thought typing... done hands over a 220 page M.I.A. report


and I don't care if clown kill you instead of you kill clown (I saw the vid so I know)


Ok then' date=' But Tricky is already in the ship, he is the DJ in the Ship's ballroom.



so theres a clown on this ship*goes to get flamethrower* ive got some burning to do

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