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Fake Type Knights, Always Accepting!

Spirit of DMG

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Oh noez!


The Bottom-Left Wing of Starius has fallen into the Yellow status! It seems to be that there is a clog in the water system, and it is preventing dirty/infected water to pass through! Pipes are starting to expand, thanks to an emergency heat system. But the pipes are old, and made of aluminum, so they have a low melting point! Please, all evacuate the immediate area so the problem can be treated. All members in Starius, please turn off anything related to water inside and outside the facility. Use water only if nessecary.


I like cookies. But it depends what type of cookie we're alking about.

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Oh noez!


The Bottom-Left Wing of Starius has fallen into the Yellow status! It seems to be that there is a clog in the water system' date=' and it is preventing dirty/infected water to pass through! Pipes are starting to expand, thanks to an emergency heat system. But the pipes are old, and made of aluminum, so they have a low melting point! Please, all evacuate the immediate area so the problem can be treated. All members in Starius, please turn off anything related to water inside and outside the facility. Use water only if nessecary.


I like cookies. But it depends what type of cookie we're alking about.




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[spoiler=Important Information]

I do not, under any circumstances support your objective in making Fake Types acceptable. In my mind, they will always be considered spam, since the current types cover all the bases. Your Flagship-Type monsters would be Machine-Types and your Generals and Knights would be Warrior-Types. Why create new types when the current ones do the job just as well, if not better?

Now, this may leave you puzzled as to why I've done what I've done. Well, the answer is this: the cards shown at the beginning of your thread at the moment signify to me the average fake type-user. Their OCG is poor, the effects are bland and the images are almost always blurry. This would not seem like a potent way for you present your goal of allowing fake types if they are the kinds of cards we're to be shown.

I've improved the cards because at least with these on your thread, you stand a small chance of being accepted as a good thing. One final point. Surely you could come up with more imaginative fake types other than knight, flagship and transport? How about types that cover what the current types do not fully, like Aether (spiritual and energy beings) or Terran (EARTH monsters not covered by Rock-Type)?

It just baffles me why you would want to flood the AOC forum with cards that will be endlessly flamed, but could avoid that so very easily... Everyone has their own motives, I guess.


Where there are no images, I have not made a new version, just given a name change and OCG Fix.


Max Darkness





[spoiler=F.K.F.F. Ultima]

Improved version.






[spoiler=Mark of the Fake Knights]





[spoiler=Ultima: Prison Block]

Improved (ie perfect OCG and balanced) version of "F.K.U. Prison Block AA23".






[spoiler=General Legolover09's Flagship]

Improved version of F.K.T's G.L09's Flagship.




Effect: This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set while "Fake Knight Armada" is face-up on the field. This card gains 200 ATK for each Flagship-Type monster you control. Once per turn, if this card would by destroyed by battle, you can Tribute 1 Flagship-Type monster you control. If you do, this card is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) As long as General Legolover09 is face-up on the field, once per turn, during your End Phase, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Flagship-Type monster from your Deck in Attack Position.




[spoiler=Ultima: Shield Grid Modification]

Improved version of "T.S.A.G.S.G.-U.M"






[spoiler=Advanced Shield Generator-Spaceship Modification]

"Change name to Flagship Upgrade-Advanced Shields".


Effect: Equip only to a Flagship-Type monster you control. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) If the equipped monster would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card effect, you can Tribute this card. If you do, the equipped monster is not destroyed.




[spoiler=Sonic/Ion Cannon-Spaceship Modification]

A bit of science. Sound needs a medium to travel through. Space has no such medium, thus an orbital sonic cannon would be as useful as gallium welding equipment.


Change name to "Flagship Upgrade-Ion Cannon"


Effect: Equip only to a Flagship-Type monster you control. Your opponent cannot select the equipped monster as an attack target. If the equipped monster is the only monster you control, this card is destroyed.




[spoiler=Fake Knight HQ: Omnimega]

Improved version of "Fake Knight Dome Base: Omnimega". Considering you seem to base yourselves in airships, a cloud city seemed more appropriate than a sea-city.






[spoiler=Bagon's Flagship "Salamence"]

Improved version of "Fake Knight Flagship, Salamence"






[spoiler=F.K Standard Issue Fighter]





[spoiler=DMG's Flagship "Dark Magic Revolution"]

Alternate version of "Personal transport, Dark Magic Revolution (sic)






[spoiler=Ultima: Moonstone Cannon]

Improved version of the original.






[spoiler=Fake Knight Armada]

The effect on the first version wasn't needed since it was stated in the Flagship cards.






[spoiler=Ten Thousand Worlds]

An OCG-correct version of the original.






[spoiler=Harpoon Cannon]

Crop the pic to remove the border and "Harpoon Cannon" text. Change to a Continuous Spell Card.


Effect: Activate only while "Fake Knights Flying Fortress: The Ultima" is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Fake" monster you control to inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent.



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There not really inprovements more like... down grades

heres a card lore posted in a sec.




If this card is in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase and you control no monsters you may Special Summon it in Attack Mode. You cannot use this effect if you have other non-Bird monsters in your Graveyard. When you use this effect, the when this card leaves the field, remove it from play. When this card destroys a monster on your opponent's side of the field, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed monster X100.

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