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Fake Type Knights, Always Accepting!

Spirit of DMG

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here try this:

[spoiler=lore]Once per turn, you may discard 2 cards or pay 700 Life Points to negate the effect of all Spell and Trap cards until your opponent’s Draw Phase. If this card is the target of an effect monster you can pay 500 Life Points to negate that effect. By decreasing this card’s ATK to 1000 till your next standby phase, you can draw 5 cards from your deck. If any are monsters discard them, if any are Spell or Trap cards add them to your hand.



I'm on it


do I look Insane? *maniacal laugh*

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Why did i get ignored?


@ DMG: And i getz no nekoz? =(' date=' Also, I can haz Flagship?


@ Dues: I am so tempted to quote to and respond to a few past posts, but i'll skip that and keep to the present, what did i miss?



*Hops off of DMG's lap and goes and lays on Flandre's*



why out of all the cats we get the very peculiar one

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