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Fake Type Knights, Always Accepting!

Spirit of DMG

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[align=center] Yes, I used the same pic. I was bored...




Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to any "Fake" monster as an Equip Card OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card if face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 250 for each "Fake" monster on the field. During your opponent's Battle Phase, all cards your opponent controls must select the equipped monster as an attack target. If the equipped monster is destroyed, destroy this card instead. (A monster can only by equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)[/align]


"Uhh, sure sir!"


*Comes back with SuperGlue*


"Here you go sir!"


*Applies SuperGlue to Karoakari's mouth*


BTW, Deustodo, I like your Pokemon Set.

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majors got milk (only becuz he's a sore loser)


Wow, I feel threated. He lost to me and Deustodo. Though I really though It would be more like 9-10 if I won, which I really didn't think I would for a while.


Deustodo, don't facepalm my daughter. Also, I'm going to let all of you get the paint, glue, and tape off of her.


Thanks for all the B-Day cards everyone ^^

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