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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Crystal Cup Tournament! DUEL![PG-13] Lock Please.

Vavel Elreigner

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Daniel looked on as both Josep and the other duelist continued.


Nishibo chuckled then drew his next card. "I'm sorry to tell you this but since you already accepted the duel I might as well." Nishibo the reved fast until he was next to Josep. "If you don't hurry the duel up we're going to jump right off an old broken down bridge." Nishibo then pointed at a bridge far ahead of them. "So now that that's out of the way. I'll set a card and end." He then hits Josep's D-wheel again.

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Nishibo looked at josep and then turned to see Rebella and Daniel once more. "I see..." He said as the duel continued. Nishibo the revved his D-Wheel and rushed in front of Josep. "I'll have Powerhand attack you directly. Show me... your Power!"


Daniel's eyes just glared over to Rebella and then back to the duel. This was getting bad and he could not do anything about it. Daniel then hit the gas on his D-Wheel and raced forward ahead of Rebella and the duel. He only had a small chance and limited time.


OOC: 820 your character was left in the duel arena, the characters dueling are on D-wheels outside on an abandoned road, as well as the two duelist watching the duel. Please read before you jump in. And if you ask for someone to fill you in make sure they tell you. (only if the summary is not updated.)

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Nishibo then smiled as he looked at his hand. "Well then I'll end my turn and send Iron core of the Koa'ki Meiru to the graveyard that way i can keep Powerhand on the field."


Hartlure looked at the boy Nishibo had left. He then closed his eyes and smiled. "I am Micheal Hartlure, sponsor of the Crystal Cup. Are you a part of Team Dark Masquerade?"

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OOC: Read the Summary! XD


Nishibo then rammed Josep's D-wheel once more. He then draws. "I'll set a card and then send another Iron core to the grave to end."


Hartlure looked at Maxus. "I see, well don't worry Maxus...." Hartlure then turned away and began walking. "You are about to partake in a wonderful awakening of power. i'll need duelist like you to help me."

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