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World has come to clash, all animes must fight to see who's the best, but there's one person (You) who wants all anime to combine and because one really cool anime. There are more like you, more who want to combine all anime, this is the story of those people, the betrayal, the friendship, love, fighting, and more epic things! Only people from the MegaVerse club can jion this Rp, if you want to join and your not in the MegaVerse club, you'll have to make me very happy or give me a very strong reason to let you in this Rp. Now have fun, and Fight!

[spoiler=Application form]Character Name:

What Anime's power Do you want to start off with:

Do you want to be good or evil:

If your not in the MegaVerse Club, will u join:


[spoiler=How to play]First choose an anime you want to start with, the choices are Naruto, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Bleach, One piece, Db/Dbz/Dbgt, and Megaman. Now how you play is, you catch a character from one of those shows, and you can only catch 2. You may only do this every 24 hours in the game (24 equals 4 hours). You gain that characters powers, you may only have up to 5 characters at one time. You gain levels every time you beat someone in battle. If you have any questions, just pm me about it, or post in the MegaVerse Club!


So yeah i've remade the rp so plz have fun ok guys

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