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Birds of a Dominant Wing (NG) [Basic][PG-13]

Big Bad Pennar

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(> I am Very sorry to Hear that ED <)


Andinios then Looked at his Staff. He then said "Listen Up Everyone!" At which He Slammed his Staff on the Ground. Darkness Suddenly Shot as a Tablet, Creating a Map of the Region. "Morgan... You, William, Omaru, and Diego Will Charge the Sides. Rey And Zach Will get the Rear, And I Will Attack the Front....".....

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Andinios Did a Simple Magic trick just before Daybreak, he Waved his hand in front of his right Eye, and an Eyeglass appeared on it. He walked up to Morgan and looked at the Ring. Andinios then recognized it immediately, and Said "Morgan, That is an Arcane Ring, It is a Weapon that Stores some of a Nightingale's Magic Abilities, But in Very little amounts, It can allow you to use a little magic during the day, But you need a Magic Word to Activate it During the Night. I Lost that very Ring a long time ago, and it possibly still has some of my Darkness Magic in it....."......

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