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Rookie GFX Club [RGC]


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I practiced rendering a bit.

Can you rate?





not bad' date=' i see no problem with it, 9/10



Okay, you may not know this but that's why I'm telling you now. DON'T, I REPEAT DON'T RATE THINGS HAVING TO DO WITH GFX!!


Anyway, render looks alright. I'll try it on a "black test".


Edit: I tried the black test and zoomed in, there's a few parts that have white. Also, it looks very choppy. Next time, may I suggest you place lots of markers around the picture, not make massive gaps in between the gaps. Otherwise, it looks really choppy (meaning flat-ish, the curves get ruined).

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anybody know where to find HQ card pics (As in real cards EG-Junk Warrior)

It would be a real help thanks




You can get the renders from jk233_ultimatemaster's gallery but I don't know where to find the actual pics. Maybe get the best you can find and (if you're using GIMP) go to Filters > Enhance > Sharpen. That feature makes the pic look less blurry (as the Yugioh pics found on the internet are always blurry)

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oh... *cries in corner*

how about this?





Although' date=' the render doesn't suit the BG .... again.


Grey render on a yellow/red/black BG?




T'was bored, so I made this sprite.

I spent so much time on the vest, but then was too lazy to work hard on the rest.

I just had teh mega lulz.[/align]


I likez it =D


Although ..... shadow looks bad? It's all pixelated and rough.

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Also this




First tag looks "meh". The Donkey Kong (I think) render is ugly .... the second one is awesome though =D


Mushroom supposed to be custom image :)





Ummm ...... render doesn't suit the BG. There's alot of white pixelated thingys all around the corners. I like the idea though' date=' Mario custom images =D



Yeah i can see them i dont know why there there

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