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Rookie GFX Club [RGC]


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hey could we have a tut on making good avis?

cause I don't know if this is good.


1. NArutoshippuden.png

2. ukakashi.png

3. robonaruto.png

4. chogan.png

5. Aseal.png


And so on.



Also please don't use without permission because people have been using my avis without permission on this site.

You can PM me if you want to use one.

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Tut for you guys. Putting it in spoilers shrinks it' date=' so I didn't.





I wonder why I've seen this exact same style in a much older sig that has a more detailed tutorial. What I find even stranger is that this tutorial copies the exact same style and every single last idea behind the other tutorial, even down to the sprite adding funny little tid bits.


Proof: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/119/e/5/Hatsune_Miku_Vector_Tutorial_by_Jounin_Neji.png

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