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[ALZ] Level 1 Synchro with Tuner


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Fairy of Micro Technology



If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a "Microid" monster, the Level of this card is subtracted from the Level of the other Synchro Material Monsters instead of added. The "Microid" Synchro Monster that used this card as a Synchro Material Monster cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell and Trap Cards.


Picture Credit: neander



Microid Mechanic Tortoise



1 Tuner + 1 or more Machine-Type "roid" non-Tuner monsters

The ATK and DEF of this card cannot be increased by an other card's effect. When this card attacks or is attacked, its ATK and DEF are multiplied by 10 until the end of the Damage Step. Control of this card cannot be switched.


Picture Credit psychohazard


My monster even comes with his own epic Synchro Summon Quote:

The advancing technology will keep on shrinking!

The strength of 20 in one little box!

Synchro Summon! Behold, Microid Mechanic Tortoise!


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pictures are good but i think i found something wrong :)


a synchro is a tuners level + mosters level that means your synchro would have to be a level 1 tuner monster and a level 0 monster and i dont think you will fond one of them for a while :)


edit : Just checked the effect i belive that this would we correct for a dark synchro i think :)


cards 7/10 :)

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The first card seems fine but the second card needs work. Bring its stars up to 8 since it can easily gain 2700 more ATK and 2250 more DEF if it attacks or is attacked making it more suitable as a lvl 8 monster. Also, add a drawback to its effect because otherwise this card is going to be really useful with a Level Limit - Area A card. 7/10

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  'Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S said:

pictures are good but i think i found something wrong :)


a synchro is a tuners level + mosters level that means your synchro would have to be a level 1 tuner monster and a level 0 monster and i dont think you will fond one of them for a while :)


edit : Just checked the effect i belive that this would we correct for a dark synchro i think :)


cards 7/10 :)

The effect says: the Level of this card is subtracted from the Level of the other Synchro Material Monsters instead of added. so instead of 1+0 it becomes 4-3 making it that there is nothing wrong here =D.

And unlike with Dark Synchro's I don't work with Negative Levels and this card is a different way for Synchro Summon and not the common way. You could compare it a bit with "Eccentric Boy" and "Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor".



Nice cards' date=' but the Synchro will never be summoned (mentioned before) :P. So it really needs more level stards.




Did you read the effect or 5D's his edit? To put it simple the effect of my Fairy changes "1 Tuner + 1 more non tuners" in "1 or more non tuner - 1 tuner".

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  'Hydrogen Cyanide said:

This is the only way to summon your monster:


-have 1 cycroid' date=' 1 level 3 tuner and 2 demotions in your hand

-a 3000 attack monster having these requirements is weaker than a 40 card deck with 3 kuriboh, 3 winged kuriboh, 3 samsara kaisers, 3 thousand eye idols and 3 petit moths in it.




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Interesting cards, I'm not a big fan of the images and the OCG is fine.


The first acts like a Dark Tuner, but isn't.


I think the second is overpowered though, in terms of the ATK and DEF increase, being as it would be 3000 and 2500. It really isn't all that hard to Summon in a Roid deck, since all you need is the tuner and a Level 4 (Drill/Steam/Sub/Express). My suggestion is either increase the ATK and DEF and make it x2, or maybe increase it by a couple hundred and make it x5.


Anyway, I like the ideas here.



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Some people just won't accept a new type of card. I on the other hand think that this is a great way of summoning a card, the level 1 is equal summoning difficulty to a regular lv7 synchro so it's not OPed. Finally someone's made a microscopic robot card! 9.8/10.


Fantastic cards, hope you make more in the archetype.

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Stopping it from being destroyed by S/T gives it only 4 other options, removed from play - returned to deck - returned to hand & destroyed in battle, since its 3000 ATK will save it from battle it leaves 3 options, thus not making indestructable but hard to remove from the field.


personally i would multiple it by 8 or 9 as 10 to make 3000 seems kinda abit too much, you dont want it overpowered.


I get the idea of the Minus & like it ^_^ love the images too!



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I was already afraid nobody would actually read the cards.


  'Bengal said:

Interesting cards' date=' I'm not a big fan of the images and the OCG is fine.


The first acts like a Dark Tuner, but isn't.


I think the second is overpowered though, in terms of the ATK and DEF increase, being as it would be 3000 and 2500. It really isn't all that hard to Summon in a Roid deck, since all you need is the tuner and a Level 4 (Drill/Steam/Sub/Express). My suggestion is either increase the ATK and DEF and make it x2, or maybe increase it by a couple hundred and make it x5.


Anyway, I like the ideas here.




But roids really are weak so that makes up for a bit.


  'goldeneagle said:

Some people just won't accept a new type of card. I on the other hand think that this is a great way of summoning a card' date=' the level 1 is equal summoning difficulty to a regular lv7 synchro so it's not OPed. Finally someone's made a microscopic robot card! 9.8/10.


Fantastic cards, hope you make more in the archetype.


It's more like they don't read it. Maybe I will make more but than I need to find a picture I like


  'Advanced Raver said:

Stopping it from being destroyed by S/T gives it only 4 other options' date=' removed from play - returned to deck - returned to hand & destroyed in battle, since its 3000 ATK will save it from battle it leaves 3 options, thus not making indestructable but hard to remove from the field.


personally i would multiple it by 8 or 9 as 10 to make 3000 seems kinda abit too much, you dont want it overpowered.


I get the idea of the Minus & like it ^_^ love the images too!




Haven't seen you around for a long time. I changed the effect of my Fairy so now it's effect can be negated making it easier to destroy in battle by negating its effect. Maybe later I will change it to x9 but x10 is just easier to understand for little kids.


Thanks for the comments to everyone who actually read the first card.

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I think that it's very good and original. I actually designed a small archetype that would do something similar, but you've posted first, meaning if I ever released mine I would be cheating off you :D


As of this point in the game, there is no such thing as OPed anymore (my friend and I privately suspect one of the new Lightsworns in Stardust Overdrive will say "If "Judgment Dragon" is in your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, you win the Duel.") and you can pretty much make every card do whatever you want, as long as you come up with some sort of something that looks like a restriction or cost. In other words, you can't make stuff over-powered unless you try.

That said, I think you probably should change the destruction-proofing from your Fairy to target-proofing. Or (just thinking out loud here, so to speak), you could have the Tortoise destroy itself if it gained ATK from another effect.

Anyway, I think 9/10 is appropriate.

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  'Bengal said:

Interesting cards' date=' I'm not a big fan of the images and the OCG is fine.


The first acts like a Dark Tuner, but isn't.


I think the second is overpowered though, in terms of the ATK and DEF increase, being as it would be 3000 and 2500. It really isn't all that hard to Summon in a Roid deck, since all you need is the tuner and a Level 4 (Drill/Steam/Sub/Express). My suggestion is either increase the ATK and DEF and make it x2, or maybe increase it by a couple hundred and make it x5.


Anyway, I like the ideas here.





This. I like this new idea you've presented. :)

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  'Dr. Cakey said:

I think that it's very good and original. I actually designed a small archetype that would do something similar' date=' but you've posted first, meaning if I ever released mine I would be cheating off you :D


Depends on how similar they are. You should just post them and if they really are similar you could just post a link saying something like "You might think that this set is similar to [link]these cards[/link] but I didn't copy the Idea". There are so many members that a lot of set simple set Ideas are already used with out you knowing it.


  'Dr. Cakey said:

As of this point in the game' date=' there is no such thing as OPed anymore (my friend and I privately suspect one of the new Lightsworns in Stardust Overdrive will say "If "Judgment Dragon" is in your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, you win the Duel.") and you can pretty much make every card do whatever you want, as long as you come up with some sort of something that looks like a restriction or cost. In other words, you can't make stuff over-powered unless you try.

That said, I think you probably should change the destruction-proofing from your Fairy to target-proofing. Or (just thinking out loud here, so to speak), you could have the Tortoise destroy itself if it gained ATK from another effect.

Anyway, I think 9/10 is appropriate.


Its a one of the best examples from Advanced Japanese Micro Technology, something like that doesn't self destruct >_>



  'ragnarok1945 said:

card 2's atk and def boost 10 times is just too much' date=' for that it should be lv8




Note that it has the summoning requirement of a level 7 Synchro monster and that Injection Fairly Lily is a level 3 monster with 3300 ATK just with a different kind of cost (this card's "costs" are his summoning requirements). And Thousand Eyes Restrict being a level 1 monsters makes it easier for me to justify this.

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