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Rewd Pokemon Guess thread GUESS = REP Riddle 9 posted


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[align=center]Self explanatory.

Many people had done these so why not?


NEW Rule: To prevent people from posting a LOT of guesses at the same time, now you can only post 2 Pokemon by post, and there must be another guess between each one of yours. I.E.: You must wait for somebody else to say his/her guess so you can try again.


NO Neg Rep if you break this rule, but if you break it more then once in the same riddle, you will be reported, not neg repped.


From riddle 6 riddles will be harder, in my opinion.


[spoiler=Riddle 1 - Mantyke]

People think I am the same thing when I evolve

Guessed by X-31 Fighter



[spoiler=Riddle 2 - Voltorb]

I am the same thing I come from.

Guessed by pokemon 8548



[spoiler=Riddle 3 - Croagunk]

I am made out of a real animal, but toxical.

Guessed by Fighter



[spoiler=Riddle 4 - Gyarados]

Bigger than a worm, longer than a snake, and I can get you from an Isalnd to another one.

Guessed by pokemon 8548


[spoiler=Riddle 5 - Magikarp]

"Im the most powerful Pokemon ever!". It really thinks thats "true". :roll:

Guessed by Arcane


[spoiler=Riddle 6 - Smeargle]


Guessed by WinterNight & RRayR


[spoiler=Riddle 7 - Mudkipz!]

Ppl liekz meh!

Guessed by .frission


[spoiler=Riddle 8 - Jigglypuff]

Dont hear my angelical voice, or else...

Guessed by The Bobster


[spoiler=Riddle 9]

"I am the same animal as a pokemon from 2 generations ago, and Im not its evolution."



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