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New Dragon Ritual and Ritual Magic (Spell) Card


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Its overpowered but the effect could quite kill you.... hmmmm. Or it could kill your opponent........ I'd say Overpowered because if you have the life points to summon this monster you are probably winning but if it is your first turn and your opponent went first by putting a monster in atk mode all yo'd need is two level 8 monsters in you hand these cards and a heavy storm. That means its a OTK (one turn kill) Thus overpowered

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Its overpowered but the effect could quite kill you.... hmmmm. Or it could kill your opponent........ I'd say Overpowered because if you have the life points to summon this monster you are probably winning but if it is your first turn and your opponent went first by putting a monster in atk mode all yo'd need is two level 8 monsters in you hand these cards and a heavy storm. That means its a OTK (one turn kill) Thus overpowered


I agree with Hyperwater.

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Well, this one is worth the long version of my rating-style :).



"The Ultimate Dragon of the Apocolypse" - Card Rating by KrakenNLD
Card-Name: The Ultimate Dragon of the Apocolypse.

Card-Type: Monster

Attribute: DARK

Species: Dragon/Ritual/Effect

Level: 10

ATK: 5000

DEF: 4500

Effect: "This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell "The End is Near!" You must sacrifice monsters from your hand and/or field with total level equal or greater then 10. Pay 5000 lifepoints to Special Summon "Dragon Master Knight", "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" or "Five-Headed Dragon" from your Fusion Deck."


Well, what do we have here? A special Dragon with MASSIVE ATK and DEF to even go head to head to the Dragon Master Knight. Which is pretty much (aside from Exodia and the Egyptian Gods) the strongest monster out there in the universe. This card packs a whallop but what I see most people are missing is the cost of every effect. 5000 life points is not nothing.


Art: 07/10

I like that picture in every dragon but it seems to get pretty old to see that elemental head dragon type monster every time. I see A lot of people using the exact same picture if they want a uber dragon. Honestly, I can't blame them, I also was intending to use it on one of my dragons once. I mean, come on! That picture rocks! It looks like 1 dragon who is part light part dark being fused with 3 other dragons of the elements AIR, WATER and FIRE. As far as I call it, the picture is perfect for an uber dragon. Too bad it is soo overused it gets boring after a while. Hence I give it 7, only because I see alot of people use that picture. (can you blame them, search on google for a dragon and one of the first one that pops up is this picture). I review this as a set, so the ritual spell I will also rate based on Art. Is something I don't pretty like, which makes a perfect fit for a 7. Although I can already see him coming out of that hole when he is summoned.


OCG (Original Card Grammar): 07/10

About the OCG, I have to be strict... in the world of Ritual monsters there isn't much you can thank the maker for. Every Ritual requirs the same type of text EVERY time. The exactly same goes for the Ritual Spell Card. It's just the same all over again. It's not bad grammar also in the additional effect, which Realistic cards need actually... but nog REALLY perfect either. I don't see that type of text on a card, but it's fine.


Balance: 05/10

This is the thing, this card doesn't stand out. Keep in mind that Ritual Cards are actually hella easy to summon in addition to other type of monsters. You all need is search-specific card (can anybody say: "Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands"?). You can tribute exactly from your hand a super power monster which you can't summon anyway and trade it in for a SUPER-power. What his effect also makes me think is about "Cyber Stein". Who is forbidden for a reason. The fact that it has a limitation to 3 monsters doesn't matter all that much. Dragon Master Knight is superior to Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. So nobody uses that 5000 lifepoints on Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon anyway. Also, it seems this card is a little bit broken because in "Five Headed Dragon" and "Dragon Master Knight" it states: "This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon." Making this card not working anyway. It's also a monster with a one-turn kill... summon him, then summon "BEUD" and attack with both monsters directly (use a spell card if needed to destroy enemy monster).


Total: 06/10

All in all, the things I like are the fact it has 5000 ATK and a pretty high-level ritual card. But mostly 5000 ATK is equal to a LVL 12 monster. (see "Dragon Master Knight"). So the level of course needs some work. Hence, I give this card a fitting 6.

  • 5000 ATK and 4500 DEF.
  • It's a Ritual... making it easy to summon out of nowhere.
  • Has power to special summon 3 of the strongest fusion monsters out there.

  • It's additional effect cost a massive of 5000 life points, which is a lot.
  • Probably so strong, it get's forbidden really fast in "Advanced" decks. In "Traditional" decks it probably gets limited to 1.

Change Suggestions

  • *balance change* Make it a bit weaker in terms of ATK and/or DEF.
  • *balance change* Make it's effect a little bit less broken (see "Balance" part).
  • *ocg change* Monster names on card effects needs to be in " as a quote.

Rating © KrakenNLD
Of course, everyone can copy and paste and rate the exact same way. Probably it helps A LOT of people who create cards. But trust me if I say that this type of rating takes a bit of your time instead of typing: "good card 7/10" or "overpowered 3/10".
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