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Yu-Gi-Oh: The Secret of The Labyrinth (Basic)(accepting by pm)(started)


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"My turn' date=' and I summon 'Bardarex Force- Rhinox' [1500/1600']! Charge Rhinox, attack his LP directly!"


Finn- 4000

Spirit- 2500


*Fine with me, my 'Unholy Beast' [1800/0] will rip him to shreds!*


Finn- 3700

Spirit- 2500


Finn was looking a little worried now. He didn't have any stronger monsters in his hand, so he would have to draw one. "YES!" He got something even better. "Monster Reborn, get back his Vorse Raider [1900/1200] and then I'll sacrifice him, to get my 'Bardarex Force- Kyokami [2500/1000]! Attack and destroy his 'Unholy Beast'.


Finn- 3700

Spirit- 1800


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]






*Time to unleash my secret weapon!* the spirit seemed confident that he would win, *Dark Man-Eating Worm [1750/1300] in defense mode! Then I'll equip it with Mist Body, making it unable to be destroyed by battle. Now all I have to do is wait.*

"Say what you will, you're going down. I summon 'Bardarex Force- Karasu' [800/1000] in attack mode. And because of her effect, we each have to roll a die." They both threw the die on the ground.

*5* the spirit said.

"6, perfect. 5 means you get to take any 1 card from your deck, but you have to discard the top 10 cards on your deck." The spirit obeyed, taking one card from his deck with a greedy smile on his face, then removed a small pile of cards from the top of his deck and placed them in his graveyard. "I got a 6, meaning I can take any Bardarex Force monster from my graveyard or out of play, and special summon it. So I'll take 'Bardarex Force- Rhinox' back, and then with the power of Polymerization, fuse Rhinox and Karasu into 'Bardarex Force- Ko Purotekuto Tori" [2150/3600]!"

*You done? My Dark Man-Eating Worm is still impervious to your attacks.*

"Yeah, I'm done."


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]





*Good. First I'll use Change of Heart on your Ko Purotekuto Tori, then sacrifice him and my mane-eating worm to summon 'Armored Wyvren' [2900/2500] in attack mode! And he'll tear your Kyokami apart!*


Finn: 3400

Spirit: 1800


"Fine, I'll pay 500 LP to Special Summon 'Bardarex Force- Yamazaru' [2400/1900]."

*It doesn't matter, he's much weaker than my Wyvren!*

"Plus I get to take all the Bardarex Force monsters in my graveyard and add them to my hand because of Kyokami's effect! So Rhinox and Karasu go back to my hand, and Ko Purotekuto Tori goes back to my fusion deck. And now my turn actually begins! I'll play Graceful Charity, and discard two cards to my graveyard. And then Pot of Greed allows me to draw two more cards!"

*Its all pointless you know.*

"I'm sorry, am I boring you? Maybe this will snap you out of it. I set one monster and end my turn."

*Nope, still bored. I'll attack your monster and destroy it!*


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]





"What a shame, you should have attacked my Yamazaru, since now you activated my 'Bardarex Force- Sennin's [1100/1500] effect. I can take 1 spell card from my graveyard and 1 from yours, then you pick 1 to go to you, and the other goes to me. Ya follow me?"

*Just pick . . .*

"I'll pick your Change of Heart and my Pot of Greed."

*I'll take the Pot of Greed, I need some good cards.*

The spirit took the Pot of Greed and Finn took the Change of Heart. "Still your move."

*Then I'll end my turn.*

"Good. I'll play Change of Heart. That was a stupid move on your part, no wonder you're the first spirit."

*AHHH, and I don't even have any face down cards!!!*

"I'll take your Armored Wyvren, then destroy your LP with my Yamazaru and your own dragon!"


Finn: 3400

Spirit: 0


"Good bye," Finn waved good bye as the spirit disappeared.


It was quiet and peaceful now the spirit was gone and the duel was over. Finn stepped through the gates. "Round 1, over!"


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]

Imageshack not working properly for some reason. I'll add "Bardarex Force- Sennin" later.



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OoC Well when i get on tomorrow which is like maybe 10 central time so thats 11 eastern 9 mountain and 8 western and outside the USA idk

Ooc we can keep going for a little while longer Bleach hasnt come on yet so .


"wow thats enough spirits for all of us and the key is a puzzle and we need to get all the pieces so each person get a spirit go."said Angelo

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"Now, time to go to work."

Recks got up and shot offf like a bolt, making it through Level 2 in record time. Except for one major problem.

"You!" shouted a guard. "Halt immediately!"

"Oh drat. A KaibaCorp Guard. What is one of your lot doing in a place like this?" asked Recks as he rounded another corner.

"That's none of your concern. Now get back here!"

"I don't think so!" he turned and called back. But there was a problem. He was running straight into a dead end. Before he could stop himself, he had run right through it, and in front of a spirit.

"You have found the illusory gate. While this gate will greatly speed your journey, it comes at great consequence."

"I have to defeat you, don't I?"

OOC: If someone wants to play as this spirit for a match, then I'd like that.

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OoC: How many people are looking for the key?


IC: Mez yelled again,"I FOUND THE KEY!!! Enough of this. I'm taking one of you down!" Mezactivated his duel disk and one of the spirits floated/walked a tiny bit closer.

"I'll start. I draw and summon DNA in attack mode. I acivate its effect bringing forth Chromosone B (DNA). I equip it to DNA. I'm sure you know it's effect. Now DNA can't be destroyedby battle. I'll also set two facedowns."

Mez thought,"Good Mutation is one of the facedowns and the other, Bad Mutation. If the spirit wants to get rough, I'll activate both, if needed, to chrush it."

Meanwhile Cell Creature transformed his body again (he is a cell) into a wolf form. He was running through the halls sending out a telepathic message. (The key has been found. Heed toward Mez.)


OoC: Not to much. If you have been fallowing my cards you may know what they do. Should I post them anyways.

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"hhhmmm i summon "Dark Forest Hero Dynasty" in defense mode and end my turn,"said Angelo



*Welll i summon "Nirto Synchro [300/100]" in attack mode and attack for facedown then end my turn.* said the Spirit

"well Dynasty activates his effect he is the only monster to be attacked so your monster is destroyed and you lose 1600 life points."said Angelo "now as for my turn i summon "Dark Forest Hero Nightshade" in attack mode and equip him with Derk Hero's Zoid so his attack has been raised to 2400 now i move "Dark Forest Hero Squad" into attack mode then i activate this my field spell "The Dark Forest" ehich gives my monsters an extra 500 attack pointsso now attack his face down Hero Squad ans then attack him directly Nighshade killing you and i win give me my piece of the key."said Angelo





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