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Yu-Gi-Oh: The Secret of The Labyrinth (Basic)(accepting by pm)(started)


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"I'll start," Finn drew his hand and then announced, "I'll play 1 monster in face down defense position and 1 card face down. Go!"

*I'll play Vorse Raider [1900/1200] in attack mode, and attack your face down card!"

"Heh, amateur. You just attacked my Dark Wolfman #2 [1800/1450] meaning you take no damage, but his effect allows me to creme your Vorse Raider!"


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]




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ooc: so what are the three cards? the sacread beasts?

IC:James walked into the ruins(whatever you wan to call it). "Wow, this place looks so cool." "Careful James," sai Gale. "I sense strong forces at the middle of this place." "That's what we came here for Gale, to find thoses cards" they walked off, readying for there fist opponent.

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"Well now that i have had my fill i am going to get back on the old dusty trail and get these cards come on Nightshade." said Angelo leaving the campsite.

(Why didn't you leave when he arrived you know how horrific it was with that other spirit around you really need to care for me more.) said Nightshade upset and going on a rant.

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ooc:another ?. can we turbo duel? i wasn't plannng to use a d-wheel, just a duel board like rua and ruka used in 77.

IC: James had made it to one point in the mase when he had seen one of the spirit's the people were talking about. "oh ok, so i need to duel him."


Hand: 5

LP:4000(or 8000?)




Hand: 5



"I'll go first(James) draw, now i'll summon bw shura. i set a card and end my turn.


Hand: 4

LP:4000(or 8000?)

Field: Shura, S/T

The spirit drew a card and summon Rescue cat. next he tributed it for x-saber air and GB samnite, which he used to synch into Goyo. He tried to attack Shura.

"Nope, Mirrior Force!"

The Spirit's monster was destroyed. it set two cards.


Hand: 3


Field. 2 S/T

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"My turn, and I summon 'Bardarex Force- Rhinox' [1500/1600]! Charge Rhinox, attack his LP directly!"


Finn- 4000

Spirit- 2500


*Fine with me, my 'Unholy Beast' [1800/0] will rip him to shreds!*


Finn- 3700

Spirit- 2500


Finn was looking a little worried now. He didn't have any stronger monsters in his hand, so he would have to draw one. "YES!" He got something even better. "Monster Reborn, get back his Vorse Raider [1900/1200] and then I'll sacrifice him, to get my 'Bardarex Force- Kyokami [2500/1000]! Attack and destroy his 'Unholy Beast'.


Finn- 3700

Spirit- 1800


[spoiler=Card(s) Used]





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OoC Accepted and yes we can turbo duel but i am not going to cause i don't like it.


"so when is the next gate Nightshade?" asked Angelo

(though i am mad at you its up ahead these monsters are better though so good luck and remember use me) said Nightshade

*Look its another challenger maybe he will lose and be thrown into the shadow world also.* said a spirit of feral imp

"Well lets duel and find out i will go first and i set 2 facedown and summon Dark Forest Hero Nitrus in defense mode."said Angelo " i end my turn"







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Name: Jack Cross

Age: 21

Apperance: Jack

Bio: Jack is a very reluctant duelist. He is rational, and little on the excitable side. Though still new to dueling, he uses his brother's deck, who went missing afew years ago. Jack hopes the three cards in the Labrynth will help him find some answers to his questions about why his brother dissapeared.

Deck Name: Rise From The Ashes

Sides spirt or duelist: Duelist

Duel Spirit(optional): Sacred Phoenix Of Nephthys

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*Welll i place Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 in attack mode and attack your Nitrus hahaha.*

"not so fast i activate fissure and there goes your dragon now its my turn." said Angelo

"first i summon Dragon Rider Neuchi and use his effect to summon another Dragon Rider Ryoku and now all three of my monsters attack you and you lose this duel off to the shadow realm for you spirit."said Angelo smirking at how easy it has been even though its only level two.






OoC jack you accepted

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ooc:I know' date=' my character sent another spirit, an emissary this one is female


Rei walked out slowly, she saw the little girl and DMG and smiled."hi...." she said,she saw the young girl cowering..."I...I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare her....." she said nervously





|Okay, so what is it you want?| DMG asked Rei. Laurra let go of DMG's leg, but was still fighting back tears.

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