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God's War Shop is Now Open.Do not join unless you are good at gfx.

Mod David

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Yo Mod David I was wondering could you make another booster pack for me. I want its picture to be this please:


Name: Tick-Tock's Revenge

I need it to cheer up a friend. please I will pay all the points I own again. Also I hope you liked those 58 points I gave to you last time.

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Yo Master Slifer! I will give you 4 reps if you give me a fusion of obelisk, ra, and slifer so that they look like the monster from the movie, but without a picture from the movie. With a cut out of slifers head on one arm and a cut of ra phoenix form on the other of an obelisk card.







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can I have this slighty modified card you made mod dave ( no offense but I found messing around that in japan they actually said the flavor text along with official name, type,...) in a banner with spirit reaper and reaper of the cards (found here http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page ) with "here comes the reapers" in huge flashing silver and white colors? for 2 reps



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