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Battery - Metallica




Lashing out the action, returning the reaction

Weak are ripped and torn away

Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower

Battery is here to stay



Smashing through the boundaries

lunacy has found me

cannot stop the Battery

Pounding out aggression

turns into obsession

cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family

Battery is found in me





Crushing all deceivers, smashing non-believers

never ending potency

Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker

Breeding on insanity



Smashing through the boundaries

lunacy has found me

cannot stop the Battery

Pounding out aggression

turns into obsession

cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family

Battery is found in me







Circle of Destruction, Hammer comes crushing

Powerhouse of energy

Whipping up a fury, Dominating flurry

We create the Battery



Smashing through the boundaries

lunacy has found me

cannot stop the Battery

Pounding out aggression

turns into obsession

cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family

Battery is found in me











Batterymanz today. All of them, since Honest is being released in a cheaper way.



So Discuss.

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Fun in a casual environment, but don't really cut it in a competitive one. I'm pretty sure I remember that Saiyan Knight made a beastly Battery Deck which I'll be looking up now for nostalgia's sake, but it's probably outdated by now.


EDIT: Found it. =D


Monsters- 12

3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

3x Grinder Golem

3x Thunder Dragon

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 28

2x Battery Charger

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

2x Foolish Burial

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Monster Reborn

3x Toon Table of Contents

3x Trade-In

3x Short Circuit

1x Upstart Goblin

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