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Konami is purposely making this a single-deck format


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Konami is doing this so its easier for them to make banlists IMO


I just don't get why they keep releasing support for more overpowered decktypes anyways


Because Konami is here to give support and kick the meta's but. And Konami is all out of support.


Hopefully' date=' some more crystal beasts, and cloudians will show up


According to Konami, Crystal Beasts, Cloudians, Batteryman, Ancient Gear, Aliens, Harpie, etc, all died

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Venom, Aliens, Cloudians and Batterymen need to come back. Batterymen just needs a bit more support and maybe a new beatstick. Cloudians need a better boss monster but, cloudians are good for the fact that there are several builds for them; though they do need to come back. Venom needs much more to it. Aliens are still doing okay but, they need more synchs and tuners. Cloudians and Aliens are the only two types that were ready for synchs before they came out; they both need more synchs and tuners though, with a bit of archetype specific quick synch support.

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According to Konami' date=' Crystal Beasts, Cloudians, Batteryman, Ancient Gear, Aliens, Harpie, etc, all died


Aliens aren't really dead. We've still been getting cards for them and over all they are a decent archtype.


But yea I agree, we need stuff for older archtypes.


first time i heard someone say aliens were decent

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Konami is a piece of s***. They are making a mistake trying to ruin Lightsworn' date=' because all we will be left with is Gladiator Beasts and their other shitty archetypes.



How are they trying to ruin lightsworn, they have been doing nothing but trying to make them succeed.

I meant in the Future, when they release some other new money archetype and go "owait, LS trumps it because we made them too good" and Banhammers it.

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I'm sorry, I did not realize you have such problems with reading comprehension. In the future I will take your unique disability (or is it "alter-ability" now) into account and remember that not everyone was created with the brain-power to understand obviously stated points.


All decks have a luck aspect and a skill aspect. LS happens to have a ridiculously high luck factor and an unfathomably low skill factor. Thus, if you lose to LS it will almost never be because they were better than you, but because the god of yugimonz decided that they, the rich men, should be gifted with the ability to win duels without actually trying. The skill in LS basically amounts to "knowing enough not to deck out".

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Lightsworns... kinda suck, actually. -.-

Book Of Eclipse loves Lightsworn monsters.


But, meh, I kinda like seeing all the LS stuff being remade cheaper. It gives me and my friends a better chance to finish Bryant's LS deck, and I get to laugh at all the people who spent hundreds of dollars buying their decks.



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Well' date=' LS might not have won the SJC, but they sure took up most of the places in the Top 16.


Yeah, but then they dropped dropped like flies and lost all those spaces.


That's because they were all paired up against eachother. =/


No, they weren't. Nearly every "other" deck that made the top 8, was paired against an LS in the top 16.

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Well' date=' LS might not have won the SJC, but they sure took up most of the places in the Top 16.


Yeah, but then they dropped dropped like flies and lost all those spaces.


That's because they were all paired up against eachother. =/


No, they weren't. Nearly every "other" deck that made the top 8, was paired against an LS in the top 16.


But they were still the most prevalent deck type.

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