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Konami is purposely making this a single-deck format


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With the new banlist, LS didn't get touched. Not only that, they're releasing all the hard to get LS cards in special packs. JD was reprinted in Turbo Pack, Solar Recharge is in RGBT SE, and now Honest will be in it's own special pack, and COTLB will be in Stardust Overdrive SE.


Konami is purposely making Lightsworns the most used. It's like they want it to be a single-deck format.

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This was just confirmed:

Konami is releasing a Meta-game worthy Ligthsworn deck' date=' as a Wallmart/Target-exclusive promo.


You get a tournament winning deck, for 5$


Yes, it includes all the godly Ligthsworn cards in it.

And it even comes with the perfect Extra Deck.




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It is possible they are trying to make this a one deck format but I think they are doing this to make money. They know LS is an expensive deck so they know that when they mass releasing all of these cards people will eat them up like hot cake. Odds are they are also doing this because they are already planning to hit LS in the next ban list so they are thinking they might as well do this now since less people will want a LS deck when they take the hit.

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It is possible they are trying to make this a one deck format but I think they are doing this to make money. They know LS is an expensive deck so they know that when they mass releasing all of these cards people will eat them up like hot cake. Odds are they are also doing this because they are already planning to hit LS in the next ban list so they are thinking they might as well do this now since less people will want a LS deck when they take the hit.


Beat me to it by a minute.

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This was just confirmed:

Konami is releasing a Meta-game worthy Ligthsworn deck' date=' as a Wallmart/Target-exclusive promo.


You get a tournament winning deck, for 5$


Yes, it includes all the godly Ligthsworn cards in it.

And it even comes with the perfect Extra Deck.


Arm is off a bit.

That would be @ Wal*Mart for $4.96

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This was just confirmed:

Konami is releasing a Meta-game worthy Ligthsworn deck' date=' as a Wallmart/Target-exclusive promo.


You get a tournament winning deck, for 5$


Yes, it includes all the godly Ligthsworn cards in it.

And it even comes with the perfect Extra Deck.



Assuming your serious, where did you hear about this?

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This was just confirmed:

Konami is releasing a Meta-game worthy Ligthsworn deck' date=' as a Wallmart/Target-exclusive promo.


You get a tournament winning deck, for 5$


Yes, it includes all the godly Ligthsworn cards in it.

And it even comes with the perfect Extra Deck.



Assuming your serious, where did you hear about this?



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This was just confirmed:

Konami is releasing a Meta-game worthy Ligthsworn deck' date=' as a Wallmart/Target-exclusive promo.


You get a tournament winning deck, for 5$


Yes, it includes all the godly Ligthsworn cards in it.

And it even comes with the perfect Extra Deck.



Assuming your serious, where did you hear about this?




Unfortunatly I can't percieve sarcasm over the internet unless it has obvious bells and whistles on it. If it is real, I'm pre-ordering it now. If it's sarcasm, then good for you.

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Even if I had the money' date=' I'd never get the LS Cards unless I wanted to sell them, like I said before, I'm never going to use LS, and Konami won't be able to make me, now if they made a deal of making more Charmer cards if I used LS for a while, maybe...XD.



But if you bought it, you could get the synchros XD I think if I do it, I'm just going to keep the Synchros and sell the rest of the deck on ebay after taking and replacing a few cards I need. If it has a "perfect set of synchros" that means it has Plaguey

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Even if I had the money' date=' I'd never get the LS Cards unless I wanted to sell them, like I said before, I'm never going to use LS, and Konami won't be able to make me, now if they made a deal of making more Charmer cards if I used LS for a while, maybe...XD.



But if you bought it, you could get the synchros XD I think if I do it, I'm just going to keep the Synchros and sell the rest of the deck on ebay after taking and replacing a few cards I need. If it has a "perfect set of synchros" that means it has Plaguey


Good point. Honestly i'd buy 2 especially for 5 bucks. Just so i could run what i needed out of one and the other just use as genericsworn. Plaugey may be in twilight edition, as he is a godly DARK monster that is probably (I never really looked at any twilight decks.) used in Twilight Synch.

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@Everyone who thought my last post was serious.

I would have provided a link, if it were true.


But seriously, I can see Konami doing something like that at some point.


Lightsworn almost became my main deck in WC2009 but that's when I realized Victory Viper XX03 decks is more fun.

Zombies are the Meta in Wc09

Since all the coms can use 2 copies of Card of Safe Return, 3 copies of Mezuki, and 3 copies of Plaguespreader. So do alot of newbies on Wi-Fi


But the thing is, the Coms are too stupid to use them correctly.

Actual players... thats another story. Which is cool. Bro.

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@Everyone who thought my last post was serious.

I would have provided a link' date=' if it were true.


But seriously, I can see Konami doing something like that at some point.


Lightsworn almost became my main deck in WC2009 but that's when I realized Victory Viper XX03 decks is more fun.

Zombies are the Meta in Wc09

Since all the coms can use 2 copies of Card of Safe Return, 3 copies of Mezuki, and 3 copies of Plaguespreader. So do alot of newbies on Wi-Fi


But the thing is, the Coms are too stupid to use them correctly.

Actual players... thats another story. Which is cool. Bro.


The only deck that the com uses right is LS....which only further provees that skill in terms of LS only goes as far as "LOL WUT SHUD I RUN!!!!@11@!!!one!!!"

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