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Elemental Hero Plasma Neos


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Card name: Elemental Hero Plasma Neos

Card type: Warrior/Fusion/Effect

Attribute: Water

Level: 9

Effect: "Elemental Hero Neos" + "Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin" + "Neo-Spacian Glow Moss"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by returning the above cards from your side of the field to the Deck. (You do not use "Polymerization".) When this card attacks or is attacked select 1 card in your opponent's hand. Destroy that card and inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent. Activate the following effect based on the selected card. *Monster:this card cannot be destroyed by battle or attack. When you destroy your opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage equal to halve of that monster's original atk. *Spell:This card can attack all your opponent's monsters and inflict 300 points of damage for every monster destroyed with this effect applied. *Trap:This card looses 1000 atk and no trap cards can be activated during battle involving this card. This card returns to the Extra Deck during the End Phase.


Tell me if this is balanced enough and what might be wrong with it.[/color]

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Cool' date=' but I don't see ATK and DEF points, so I can't really decide anything. So far, it seems solid.



Good monster, but try making an effect that doesn't just copy what the Neo Spacians do and put them differently, try one thats like a mix or something or maybe make one up.

Other than that, ill say a 6.5 since there are no attack and defense.


Triple Contacts have 3000/2500.


This Fusion... well, I agree with the above statements. 6.5/10 sounds fair. Fix OCG and get more original effect.

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