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Quest for the Swords-a Knight rp(started,always accepting)[basic]


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Nick stood near, watching the battles. "Wow, i'm the only one who's life isn't in danger." A dark knight sneaked up and brought his sword down on Nicks shoulder. Nick screamed in pain. With his good arm, he took out his sword and pointed it at the knight. A beam of light generated at the end of the sword and enveloped the knight, disintergrating him.

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My app

name: Gale Tarariko

age: 13

appearence: Gale Tarariko has black hair, green eyes, and his skin is somewhat darker than normal, but still pretty light. His hand has a small scar on it. He wears tattered green pants, a light green long sleeved shirt, and he has a blue and dark green belt.

sword: Cerulean Stormer

side(good, bad, nuetral): neutral

Sword image: frostfaerie-sword-ref.jpg

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