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Organization 4W

Organization 4W

[align=center]Welcome to Organization 4W, your source for all things good in the universe. We currently have no banner, but we are willing to hand out 1 rep to the 1st person that makes us 1. If you would like to join this organization, please fill out this form:

Username: Twin Seed

What you want to be called: Head of the clan

Organization: 4W

Why do you think that you're worthy to join this organization?: Because I created it.

[spoiler=Accepted list] Twin Seed = Head of the clan

DemonX = Right hand man of the clan


[spoiler=Special events] None yet


[spoiler=Banners] None yet


[spoiler=Important links] None yet




Organization 3Z

Organization 3Z

[align=center]Welcome to Organization 3Z, your 1 stop source for all things evil in the universe, muhahahahaha. We currently have no banner, but if you would make us 1 stained with your blood, we'd pay you handsomly(1 rep). If you think that you're worthy to stand in our presence, then fill out this form so that we can forever contain your soul:

Username: Twin Seed

What you want to be called: Lord of the demon monkeys

Organization: 3Z

Why do you think that your presence is worthy here?: Becuase I created it.

[spoiler=Souls] Twin Seed = Lord of the demon monkeys

DemonX = Lord of the dragon demons


[spoiler=Special events] None yet


[spoiler=Banners] None yet


[spoiler=Important links] None yet


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Username: DemonX

What you want to be called: Right hand man of the Head of the clan

Organization: 4W

Why do you think that you're worthy to join this organization?:


Username: DemonX

What you want to be called: Lord of the Dragon Demons

Organization: 3Z

Why do you think that your presence is worthy here?:

You forgot the bolded ones.

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Username: DemonX

What you want to be called: Right hand man of the Head of the clan

Organization: 4W

Why do you think that you're worthy to join this organization?: Because I am going to be loyal to you


Username: DemonX

What you want to be called: Lord of the Dragon Demons

Organization: 3Z

Why do you think that your presence is worthy here?: I am a demon and I like dragons mahahahaha

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