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Rendering for Dummies! [VIDEO TUT INCLUDED]

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Today I willl teach you basic

Rendering! Now listen up!



1)Open you Image in GIMP/PS

2)Select the Paths tool on your tool panel. It should look like a foutian pen with line coming out of it.

3)Start clicking around the image you want carfully untill you reach the start. Then press ENTER. Now a checkerd line will apper

4)Press CTRL + I. Now a black and white line will replace the checkerd line in step 3.

5)Press DEL. Now you should have either a White BG or a Chess borad looking one.

6)If you are doing this in GIMP SAVE AS XCF!


[spoiler=Vid tut link]http://tinyurl.com/ybcoc4w


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