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[Discuss]Sirocco the Dawn + Magna Dragon + ??? = profit

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[align=center]Konami is trying too hard, to make rediculous cards again

1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Winged Beast-Type monsters.

Once per turn' date=' you can send up to 3 cards from your side of field to the Graveyard. Look at your opponent's Extra Deck and send cards equal to the number of cards you sent to the opponent's Graveyard.[/quote'][/align]


It kills Stardust, before it can even hit the field? lolwut?



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I like the effect, however They could have made it a spell card, even a trap would be fine. As I wouldn't use it. First I loose field presence for the synchro summon, then I have to loose more for the effect? Gimme a break!


EDIT: However, its kinda broken Like CCV. On the first turn if I happen to get this out, I basically get to know what deck your running by -2 myself. CCV only -1, but this evens out when you loose a monster too. The invasion is just broke.

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"from your side of the field"? WTF is this s***? Now "from the top of your Deck" would be understandable' date=' this is just a load of bullshit.


Brain Control/Mind Control say hi.


Oh, and this card's effect could be used to drop all the copies of the Opponent Heraklinos, Gyzarus, Stardust, Red Dragon Archfiend, Chimeratech(both of them), or what ever annoying card they keep in there Extra deck.

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"from your side of the field"? WTF is this s***? Now "from the top of your Deck" would be understandable' date=' this is just a load of bullshit.


Brain Control/Mind Control say hi.


Oh, and this card's effect could be used to drop all the copies of the Opponent Heraklinos, Gyzarus, Stardust, Red Dragon Archfiend, Chimeratech(both of them), or what ever annoying card they keep in there Extra deck.


It's already a -1 to Synchro Summon, even if you use one of each it's still a -2, by default, it's a -4.


-4ing myself to have them CotH a Stardust? Wut? Even if we are somehow putting revival out of the picture, this's still ridiculously desperate to prevent them from getting Stardust and have them get a DED or RDA or Colossal instead.

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