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Reapers, please review

Demi Ryu

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Okay, here is the "Reapers" section of my new Set. Hope you enjoy them, they've been redone a bit.



-The Grim Reaper, Death Personafied-

This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual spell Card, Deal with Death. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle (damage calculation is applied normally though). While face up on the field, during your standby phase, you may destroy one monster on your opponent' side of the field, you may not attack with this card the turn you activate this effect. Then, your opponent takes life point damage equal to half of the destroyed monster's attack. This monster's attack and defense is equal to the amount of monsters it has destroyed with it's effect X 500. While face up on the field, this monster may be removed from play at any point in time, and brought back to the field during the end phase of the turn in which it was removed.




-The Reapers' Counterpart, Lord of Time-

Pay 500 life points in order to activate this cards effect. This cards' effect may only be activated during your mainphase. Roll a Six-Sided die. If the result is a 1 or 2 you may send all cards that your opponent played during their last turn back into their hand. If the result is a 3 or 4 you may draw 3 cards from your deck, then, skip your next 3 draw phases. If the result is a 5 or 6 your opponent may special summon 1 monster from their hand and set 1 Spell or Trap card on the field.















hope you enjoyed these. Next up, the mighty power of the Demon God, Cthulhu! You shall see his mighty power, and the power of his minions as his dimension mixes with that of ours, to create Chaos like no one has ever seen before!

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Guest setojim

i think that aprocal reaper or w/e is real over powered


hes really abusable but ok......other than that i say good job and 8.5/10 because of it and a few grammer issues

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I know I have some grammer issues. Usually I would scrutinize myself for those kinds of things, but I was feeling really lazy, so... meh. As for Setojims' comment. How is A-Reaper (don't feel like typing the entire name) overpowered? You draw 2 cards... It's a Pot of Greed in monster form. And only if it's special summoned. How is that overpowered?

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Guest setojim

the reason its i think over powered because it has so much support already and its more than 3 times the strength of disk commander and hes limited....in other words, i dont mean to be mean, but he is just broken with a few other cards.......i no its not much of a big deal, i just wanted to point that out (use it with reasoning, monster gate, creator, or dark creator)

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