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heavy Storm - With solid Logic

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I have no idea what ITT and QQ mean...


And not to be offensive' date=' but all of the new joinies from UKayPro don't show much intelligence... like at all. "Your logic is wrong because it is *INSERT INSULT HERE!!!111!! ROFLcopter?!*" is pretty much how they post.





ITT: In this Topic/Thread and didn't I say so in the last thread? But what can you do? After all everybody loves UK/British comedians.

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ITT: People from UkayPro poop all over YCM.


Read the first post' date=' or QQ more.



We're not QQing, we're giving our valid arguments. The same can't be said for you or UkayPro, who copy and paste from rich stackers' arguments who're apparently correct whether the card their advocating is Chaos Emperor Dragon or whether they're calling Gonogo broken.


If you're not gonna read our posts and counter in favour of desperately trying to uphold UKP's already bloated reputation, go funk yourself. We win until proven otherwise, that's the way its always been. You can't beat others on ego alone. Walk your funking talk.

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I have no idea what ITT and QQ mean...


And not to be offensive' date=' but all of the new joinies from UKayPro don't show much intelligence... like at all. "Your logic is wrong because it is *INSERT INSULT HERE!!!111!! ROFLcopter?!*" is pretty much how they post.





ITT: In this Topic/Thread and didn't I say so in the last thread? But what can you do? After all everybody loves UK/British comedians.


Ok, but what is QQ?

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I have no idea what ITT and QQ mean...


And not to be offensive' date=' but all of the new joinies from UKayPro don't show much intelligence... like at all. "Your logic is wrong because it is *INSERT INSULT HERE!!!111!! ROFLcopter?!*" is pretty much how they post.





ITT: In this Topic/Thread and didn't I say so in the last thread? But what can you do? After all everybody loves UK/British comedians.


Ok, but what is QQ?


QQ is a crying face.


Also, I agree with you, DAZ. That's why I got ChaosPudding's attention to close the previous Heavy Storm thread.

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its weird how the people that are correct are the ones not giving an argument :S


It's weird how you're not giving an argument for them when you think they're correct. You're no better than they are. All you think you need to say is "ohp' date=' he's right, and ahp, he's wrong" and it's so. It isn't so. You counter or you lose.


You have advicedog in your sig and don't know what QQing is?


Poser, much?


This is your personal photo on UKP.




And you're calling people posers. Poser much?

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Its okay' date=' the best these guys got are Fat jokes. Everything else just looks like my 4 year old tap dancing on the keyboard. Its hardly worth reading as it is so sad. Also there best player is a freaking retard, you should watch him misplay against LS. he should shoot himself.



No, your logic is flawed.


Your logic is flawed because I said it was flawed.


I said your logic was flawed because it is flawed.


I therefore win this argument because me, some other people and a rich kid said so. Learn to argue with the big boys before you cross paths with Corporal Atlas Pro, Natey boy. 8)

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My opinion is that we need a card that can stop people from over extension and until a more balence version is released, this should stay at 1.


However this is the most balenced version I can come up with:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You cannot summon or set monsters this turn or conduct your battle phase. This card can only be used during main phase 1.

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Its okay' date=' the best these guys got are Fat jokes. Everything else just looks like my 4 year old tap dancing on the keyboard. Its hardly worth reading as it is so sad. Also there best player is a freaking retard, you should watch him misplay against LS. he should shoot himself.



No, your logic is flawed.


Your logic is flawed because I said it was flawed.


I said your logic was flawed because it is flawed.


I therefore win this argument because me, some other people and a rich kid said so. Learn to argue with the big boys before you cross paths with Corporal Atlas Pro, Natey boy. 8)



*Insert "FUUU" Picture here.*


Also you have to call me fat at the end, or American. Then it be so there aneurysms.

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My opinion is that we need a card that can stop people from over extension and until a more balence version is released' date=' this should stay at 1.


However this is the most balenced version I can come up with:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You cannot summon or set monsters this turn or conduct your battle phase. This card can only be used during main phase 1.



This is cool, but just like Vortex (IE Balance Raigeki) i wouldn't use it.

TS:DS: Because a card is bad for the game, but may change the game when ban, doesn't mean bad card deserves to be legal. The game will always fix itself, simply because new cards are always being released.

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My opinion is that we need a card that can stop people from over extension and until a more balence version is released' date=' this should stay at 1.


However this is the most balenced version I can come up with:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You cannot summon or set monsters this turn or conduct your battle phase. This card can only be used during main phase 1.


You were talking about my card not seeing any use? >_>


Its okay' date=' the best these guys got are Fat jokes. Everything else just looks like my 4 year old tap dancing on the keyboard. Its hardly worth reading as it is so sad. Also there best player is a freaking retard, you should watch him misplay against LS. he should shoot himself.



No, your logic is flawed.


Your logic is flawed because I said it was flawed.


I said your logic was flawed because it is flawed.


I therefore win this argument because me, some other people and a rich kid said so. Learn to argue with the big boys before you cross paths with Corporal Atlas Pro, Natey boy. 8)



*Insert "FUUU" Picture here.*


Also you have to call me fat at the end, or American. Then it be so there aneurysms.

God damn you're right, I forgot the key element. Making ignorant statements and annoyingly broad generalizations about a country I'm belittling whilst using an invention made in said country.

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My opinion is that we need a card that can stop people from over extension and until a more balence version is released' date=' this should stay at 1.


However this is the most balenced version I can come up with:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You cannot summon or set monsters this turn or conduct your battle phase. This card can only be used during main phase 1.


You were talking about my card not seeing any use? >_>




Sorry I know Im being hypocritical of my own sig but I didnt read the first page, TC had to long of a post.




Hey guys there gone' date=' we should do a little pay back and Troll their forum or shout out box some.



But then we'd be no better than they are.

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god dont you understand that all the funking people on ukp DONT EVEN KNOW about the 3/0 list this is why they dont understand all you funkers logic!


the game as it is atm, sorm is healthy!

its a simple fact!


also cant you tell theese plays are good?

this is just game faqs raid all over again!



this site rejects the new ideas for a while then reilises they where all wrong, think about it!


why do we go on about this 3/0 thing all the funking time!

shouldnt we be getting better at the actual game as it is just now instead of fantasising about somthing thats never going to happen?




but everyone on ukp is better than ANYONE on this site (a regular that is) they are all the people from the uk that top regionals and win then ect, have any of us done that?


NO HAVE WE funk!


so reilise that your both right and wrong!


however ycm moreso because of their reilaiance on crab helmet and his 3/0 list!

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the first time im quoting in bold XD


tl;dr version -- what everyone's already said' date=' just thoroughly explained for the OP.


The existence of Heavy Storm means that players can't set all their s/t's unless they hold Solemn Judgment. [b']so your saying that all decks should all contain the same 4 cards (heavy and 3 solemns) and correct me if im wrong solemns are expensive in tgc, so only the rich should be allowed to over-extend???[/b]


Solemn aside (ideally banned, but we'll just assume players haven't drawn it) both players can only set minimal s/ts. solemn is completly blanced as its 1-1, and also i have never seen anyone set solemn in mind for negating a storm because i would rather activate the chainables

beacuse giving up half my lp, normally can lead to you losing the match.


If your opponent doesn't have Heavy Storm, setting all s/ts would be better.your assuming that theme persific s/t removal does become popular, secondly would you set all your back row if you went first and didnt know your oppoents deck... i think not


Odds are actually in your favor for this. However in a 9 round tournament if you play with this strategy all the time you'll lose about 2 matches because of Heavy Storm. people are not normally pissed by round 9 (if their is one anymore) bevause it is very unlikely to lose card avantage to storm, their normally annoyed they lost to storm because they were in control. now tell me should bad players get that winning situation coz of storm????


This is why the existence of Heavy Storm limits players to setting 1 or 2 s/ts. tell me after heavy storm has been played do you automatically set all your cards because they are safe. because that is what you are impllying. secondly do you find gorz broken??? because playing the guesing game with peoples hand is why alot of people think he should be banned, why not the same of storm???


By setting 1 you ensure Heavy Storm won't amount to anything more than a 1 for 1 trade,and that is why generic cards shouldnt create synergy.


while setting 2 you defend yourself against MST or Monster Reborn while risking nothing more than a +1 in the case that your opponent has Heavy Storm.


Because you can only set 1 or 2 it's up to you to decide which of the cards in your hand should be set. This is where all the skill comes in. Do you set your best cards, so that you can answer any scenario? Or do you set the weaker cards, or a bluff, banking on the fact that those cards will be destroyed by Heavy/MST.

the game shouldnt be about being scared of a set few cards and how you avoid them so your other cards dont get hurt.


and try to save your better ones for when they're s/t removal is gone? Experience, cognitive skills and reads all come into play, which make for a more skill-based game. so the best players in the game should be able to tell when a storm is comming, because the thing about generic cards is they have so many situations where they can be used what is the point in predicting when it will be played.



With Heavy Storm out of the game the need for this thinking no longer applies. tell me after heavy is played do you just over extend???


As some people have said already players could substitute Heavy for cards like Black Rose Dragon, Malevolent Catastrophe or Destructortron.

and what is wrong with increasing the amount of decks that can become competitive????? normally varitaty means a better meta


However it would simply be a matter of playing the right s/ts and changing game play a little to prevent this from happening. Book of Moon/Bottomless can prevent the Synchro Summon of Rose Dragon entirely, Catastrophe could easily be dealt with by cards like Icarus Attack, Trap Stun (which would see a HUGE increase in play) or Breaker/MST. Destructortron would fall into BTH/Book/PWWB or whatever. The bottom line is that these aren't REALLY effective answers. why does their need to be an effective answer???? lol at essentially say "if it can be counted its crap", so i would like to say heavy is infact bad because solemn can counter it.


Players could just set all there s/t's because there's no reason not to.

but their is coz their still will be removal


Instead of having to decide which s/ts you'll need before actually needing to use them, you simply have to decide which s/t to flip.

again look at a game closly after heavies been droped (if their is one, if they have used it properly.) and you will notice not that much difference.


IMO Heavy Storm is one of the cards that make Yu-Gi-Oh! the game it is.a fast game where, bad players can get cheky wins if they draw it at the right time.

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