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The Gladiator Beasts say I suck because i'm ugly


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Heavily teched-out GBs laugh at bottomless trap hole.


  'Rulings said:
When Special Summoning a monster like "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus" or "Elemental Hero Aqua Neos" from the Extra Deck' date=' you can return a face-down monster "Gladiator Beast Bestiari" or "Gladiator Beast" monster or "Elemental Hero Neos" or "Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin" to the Deck. However, you must verify with the opponent that the face-down "Gladiator Beast Bestiari" is a proper Fusion Material Monster.[3']


Monsters: 19


3x Test Tiger

2x Laquari

2x Samnite

2x Darius

2x Prisma

1x Murmillo

1x Equeste

1x Hoplomus

1x Secutor

1x Bestiari

1x Rescue Cat

1x Stratos


Spells: 13


3x Book of Moon

3x Shallow Grave

2x Proving Ground

1x Foolish

1x Cold Wave

1x RotA

1x Storm




2x Waboku

2x Bottomless

2x Chariot

1x Call

1x Torrential

1x Solemn


Extra Deck: 15


3x Gyzarus

3x Heraklinos

9x Generic

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Yes :). Hitting my bestiari with bottomless is pretty much impossible here, so outside of DD crow (which no one uses), I have no risk in abusing gyzarus continually.


BoM is ok, but the real important tech here is shallow grave. You get bestiari in a way that makes him completely immune to Bottomless for an instant gyzarus, or if you're in a tight spot, it produces a face-down monster to ram your GB into, tagging out in situations where you otherwise could not. The idea here is basically to dump Bestiari as fast as possible w/ prisma, foolish, etc then use shallow grave and start making gyzarus like no tomorrow for quick wins.

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  'Crimson General said:

Looks interesting' date='... maybe...






most of the time whenever I see Darius used from deck, it's for herk, and if you go for herk, you should have the field Cold (wave'd) or cleared. Equeste is key for getting back dead Bestiari and/or used Chariots



Darius is fine. He plans on making Gyz alot because Bestiari will always be in the graveyard. I used to tech 1 Shallow grave when I played GB's years ago. The deck is fine, but how does it play. And how do you side for Macro?

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  'Nate12345 said:

Looks interesting' date='... maybe...






most of the time whenever I see Darius used from deck, it's for herk, and if you go for herk, you should have the field Cold (wave'd) or cleared. Equeste is key for getting back dead Bestiari and/or used Chariots



Darius is fine. He plans on making Gyz alot because Bestiari will always be in the graveyard. I used to tech 1 Shallow grave when I played GB's years ago. The deck is fine, but how does it play. And how do you side for Macro?


I see, I don't know how else to help this build till I get the time to test it later. XD. For Macro, I havn't had much experience, only one kid in our locals uses Macro and I never have to side against him... Probably at least 1 or 2 D.D.Rs, possibly IIW.


I would like to test this to see how well it runs though ;D

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  'BehindTheMask said:

The High Priests of the Council of Gladiators decree this deck to merit a B+.


Deck looks solid' date=' but I wouldn't play Stratos.


EDIT: I love how every GB deck thread now references me...I'm not that good with GBs.



Maybe not, but you are the one who wrote the guide on how to play for and against them XD


I agree with Summoner Monk, maybe a second Equeste, but I don't think more than one is required to recycle the Chariot...

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