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Hirikiri Inaghe

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Ooc nice post

Hinuta walks out the hospital and notices the rain and looks up and sees a fellow anbu. Hinuta then jumps up on top of the building and starts to approach the silent anbu. As he gets closer and notices its Shade and says,"So shade what you doing up here." Hinuta smiles a little bit and asks,"You on look out duty?"

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He nodded slightly again, this time breaking his silence. "Of course, Hinuta, Haruka and Hinuta, on another mission." Haruka then nodded, rising to his feet, as he collapsed the umbrella, placing it back in the holster, as the shade was removed, he still kept his Anbu mask on. remaining silent again.

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Hinuta looks at his comrad and asks,"Haruka why are you so quit around me you know i whant judge you or anything like that?" Hinuta then started to walk backwards so he can see Haruka.


Danaka looks a Ai with a smile and says,"Thats exactly why your in this clan .Your brutal mentality." Danaka then stands up and starts to walk out the roo,.

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Hinuta's face lights up and says,"Well listen to this. Today i metthis girl a beautiful girl.She tried to fight me but passed out fo some reason.Anyway i take her to the hospital and when she wakes up she doesnt even ecknoeledge me so i left." Hinuta turns around so his friend doesnt notice the hurt look on his face.

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rolnad got up from where he had been sitting and looked out across the desert. it appeared as if there was some one moving, though he could only see a black blob. he was about to go investigate when a black opp jumpe don the roof with him.

"Sir, word from the kasikage for you."

roland turned to hima nd asked, "what word?"

"He said to bring you to him so he may say it to you."

roland looked back out off in teh desert, but hte person had gone. he sighed through his nostrils and nodded his head, follwoing hte black opp.

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Ai said nothing. She stood up and walked outside, twirling a ball of magical blue flames in her hand. Although it was extremely hot, Ai seemed to be unfazed.

Her familiars, a black raven named Origami and and a black spider named Omnus, suddenly appeared by her side. Origami landed on her shoulder, Omnus on her small finger...


OOC Hiri sorry i can tell you about the familiars via PM?

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Haruka, cracked his knuckles together, then he looked upwards, as the mist risen, he saw three figures at the top of the building, he then placed his hands together, enveloping chakra around them, until it eventually covered his entire arms, he then looked towards Hinuta, and spoke softly, "Well, three on two. What fun."

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Haruka, then threw himself up to the top of the building. "Silent Palm Jutsu!!" as Haruka launched his chakra covered palm into the heart of one of the enimies, sending a small unhearable shock wave through his body, causing an explosion from his chest. forcing his hert and organs to be pushed through his spine, he then stood in between the other two intruders.

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