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Soul Taker: is nice!

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This card sounded way better, in Wc06

Destroy 1 monster your Opponent controls. Your opponent recives 1000 points when a monster is destroyed by this effect

Just the way its worded' date=' you would think it also does damage.

But it doesnt, lawl


But even then, its a one-for-one that can target [i']ANYTHING[/i]

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Gonna call decent where decent isn't good enough this format.


Anti Meta and Healburn staple.


No bro.


The best Anti Meta player in the US used to main Soul Taker before he ran Tragoedia.


You haven't provided name or standings. You also used the past tenths' date=' which, for arguing that it's a staple [i']now[/i] isn't an awfully sharp idea.


Oh, and Fissure's at 3. In Anti-Meta, you can beatdown their weaker monsters and take their better ones with Fissure without going towards an LP gap in your opponent's favour. Not that Fissure'll even make the cut, but just that it's better.

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Gonna call decent where decent isn't good enough this format.


Anti Meta and Healburn staple.


No bro.


The best Anti Meta player in the US used to main Soul Taker before he ran Tragoedia.


You haven't provided name or standings. You also used the past tenths' date=' which, for arguing that it's a staple [i']now[/i] isn't an awfully sharp idea.


Oh, and Fissure's at 3. In Anti-Meta, you can beatdown their weaker monsters and take their better ones with Fissure without going towards an LP gap in your opponent's favour. Not that Fissure'll even make the cut, but just that it's better.


Some Decks can't beatdown monsters but don't care about the opponent's LP either. *cough*Crapdown*cough*

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The name and artwork reminds me a pc game I'm playing: Infernal.


Strange. It reminded me of PoP: Sands of Time.


Infernal is just like Prince of Persia, except that is not so much like Prince of Persia but more like Hitman, and you take the souls of the monks you kill to regain life and search for ammo.


OT: I use this card when my strategy doesn't include decreasing my opponent's LP to 0.

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The name and artwork reminds me a pc game I'm playing: Infernal.


Strange. It reminded me of PoP: Sands of Time.


Infernal is just like Prince of Persia' date=' except that is not so much like Prince of Persia but more like Hitman, and you take the souls of the monks you kill to regain life and search for ammo.


OT: I use this card when my strategy doesn't include decreasing my opponent's LP to 0.



So do I, as allready mentioned.

I can't remeber it exactly, but I think I tun 2 of this + 2 Vortex.

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But even then' date=' its a one-for-one that can target [i']ANYTHING[/i]


Except a face-down MOKEY MOKEY

or a


yeah, facedown really has taken on the "can't touch me" state for monster destruction.



So I take it this card isn't run anymore?


As for Soul Taker, it's a good card, especially since the Life boost doesn't matter so much, but there are other options that don't provide a Life boost

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But even then' date=' its a one-for-one that can target [i']ANYTHING[/i]


Except a face-down MOKEY MOKEY

or a


yeah, facedown really has taken on the "can't touch me" state for monster destruction.



So I take it this card isn't run anymore?


As for Soul Taker, it's a good card, especially since the Life boost doesn't matter so much, but there are other options that don't provide a Life boost




About the 'other options': give me 1 example of a card that allows you to choose a target.

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