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Santa really exists!!!


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I'm born on Christmas. And Santa is fake. And Santa contains the same letters as Satan, for all y'all Christians out there.


Also, Santa doesn't eat my cookies. I'd shoot him if he tried. Which is why every Christmas, my parents put out candy I hate, even though they aren't fooling anyone.

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I'm born on Christmas. And Santa is fake. And Santa contains the same letters as Satan' date=' for all y'all Christians out there.


Also, Santa doesn't eat my cookies. I'd shoot him if he tried. Which is why every Christmas, my parents put out candy I hate, even though they aren't fooling anyone.



Santa = Satan in disguise. Same letters in the name, Santa wears a red suit and Satan is commonly portrayed as a red demon. And Christmas is supposedly Jesus' birthday, but Santa gives a present to everyone EXCEPT Jesus.


Just saying. =\

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Santa gives a present to everyone EXCEPT Jesus


If I was Jesus' date=' I'd be pretty pissed. Unless I already killed myself with a cross. Then I can see why Santa wouldn't give me a present.



Santa is magical and he can do anything. He could ride his sleigh up to Heaven and drop off a gift. But, he's Satan. And he's a big fat meanie.

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I don't know if its been mentioned yet (I cba to read), but Santa Claus was created by the Coca-Cola company. Thus, he's not real.


I like Coke though ;D.


Put a lot of Coke in the stockings as Christmas gifts ;D.


Now I wonder, since Coca-Cola used to have cocaine, and the commercials would feature Santa drinking Coke, wouldn't he be totally high after all these years?

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Santa- An overweight pedophile that watches everything you do' date=' and on Christmas time, he breaks into your house, eats your cookies, and puts toys he stole from the store under your Christmas Tree.


In other words, he a fat pedo that eats your cookies, stalks you, and steals toys for you.


Pretty much what Leviathan said. -.-

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I never really belived santa untill one day i went to my cousins house with all my family without any presents in my house and when i returned there was like 5 for each.

I still dont know who my parents did that, but it sure was cool.

Later i discovered Santa didnt existed, but it wasnt really a big shock for me.

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Here are the answers to those questions your children ask you about the proof of Santa’s existence. Here is a list of scientific breakthroughs, that can put your mind at rest, so you can stop running around trying to be Santa; because Santa will take care of it all. Most of the scientific breakthroughs came from Silverberg, a noted U.S. engineer, rocket scientist, and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, for our scientific proof.


According to Silverberg, “Santa has made several scientific breakthroughs since he moved to the North Pole more than 1,000 years ago in. His primary research has been on Einstein’s theory of relativity, which allows him to bend and stretch the time space continuum.


If tracking Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve on Norad doesn’t satisfy your curious child, here are the answers to the 13 most commonly asked questions children have about Santa:


1. Are there really elves? This evidence became crystal clear when my son examined the screws that went into the battery compartment of his special toy. “Elves are the reason we have to use these tiny screwdrivers to change the batteries in toys.”

2. How will Santa know what I want? Those letters to Santa are nice, but they’re not the real reason Santa knows what you want. Scientists know that a thought can change matter. So, Santa has constructed an elaborate underground antenna that collects electromagnetic waves (similar to cell phones) from the thoughts-waves of children. These waves are filtered so that Santa can distinguish which thoughts are coming from which kids.

3. Can reindeer really fly? Just because you’ve never seen a flying reindeer doesn’t mean they don’t exist. According to Spy Magazine, “there are perhaps several hundred thousand species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and microorganisms, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.”

4. How does Santa know when I’m good? Santa knows. The same filtering system he uses to collect your thoughts and presents also helps him see how sweet and adorable you are.

5. How can Santa make it to every house in one night? When Santa realized that in physics, distance and time look different in different reference frames. This allowed him to control time, space and light by creating “relativity clouds,” where time can get much longer and space can contract. Inside the relativity cloud, Santa has months to deliver presents, and we see it as a split second. Silverberg’s team at NCSU performed detailed calculations using this relativity model. “We found that in six months, a fleet of 750 sleighs could get to all of the homes on Earth, traveling an average of 84 mph in the relativity cloud,” he said. “Of course, outside the cloud, all that happens on Christmas Eve.”

6. I stayed up all night, and Santa never came. This is because Santa’s relativity cloud brings him to our house in milliseconds; he moves so fast that it is impossible to see him. Similar to a way a bumble bee buzzes by.

7. How does Santa fit through the chimney – and what if we have a fire in it? Using this same relativity clouds, “Santa probably also shrinks and expands the cloud, so he can enter houses through tiny openings. This means he can come down the chimney, through a keyhole, or our mail slot.

8. How does Santa know which way to fly? Mrs. Claus handles the advanced onboard computers with built in GPS systems – similar to what we now have in cars today – to create the most efficient routes for Santa’s sleigh.

9. How does Santa fit all of those toys on his sleigh? Santa doesn’t bring presents on his sleigh. Silverbergs says that Santa created an on-the-spot toy maker. The nano-toymaker remote control is pointed at a special substance Santa places under the tree. This is similar to the way new skin is created when you get hurt.

10. What is Santa’s sleigh like? Silverberg explains that the GPS system on Santa’s dashboard is holographic. It displays cruise control and manual override, the nano-toymaker, the children’s toy lists, and the optimized navigational maps. The sleigh also has two drink holders (for eggnog).

11. How many homes does Santa visit? Here’s a great mathematical problem for your children to ponder over when they say they’re bored over Christmas break: Calculation here by Silverberg: 191 million children under age 18 in industrialized countries (per UNICEF). Average of 2.67 children per home, sSo there are 75 million homes to visit.

12. How far does Santa travel on Christmas Eve? Another “I’m bored” activity, provided by Silverberg. The Earth’s radius is 3986 miles which yields a surface area of 4R2=200 million square miles. Average distance between homes is the square root of 200/75 =1.63 miles. Total distance traveled is 75×1.63=122 million miles. Assuming 1 sleigh delivering presents over 24 hours, the average speed of the sleigh is 122×106/24=5, 083, 000 mph (Mach 480). The speed of light is 300 million meters/sec. = 669,600,000 mph which is 669,600/5,083=130 times greater than the average speed of the sleigh. There’s more than enough time to do it!!

13. I don’t understand what you said. A more realistic scenario: Assume Santa delivers the presents in 6 “Santa” months. The average speed is then 5,083,000/182.5 = 27,852 mph (Mach 2.62). In another scenario, assume that Santa has a fleet of 750 sleighs. The average speed is then 84 mph – which is achievable using Santa’s reindeer equipped with jetpacks.




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