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Cookie Cutter Contest *We Have a Winner!*


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This is my first contest so hopefully everything will go well. Your job, as the participant, is to create a card that would become a staple if it where made into a real card in today's game. For those who do not know, a staple card is a card that is used in all competitive decks.


Examples of Staples: D.D. Warrior Lady, Sangan, Snatch Steal, Heavy Storm, Scapegoat, Ring of Destruction, Torrential Tribute, etc.


Try to keep your card balanced if possible. Only 1 entry per person. Entries can be changed before judging begins, but you must post that your entry has been changed. Winner will receive a rep boost.


Good luck to you all!

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tell me if this is too good, and i'll change it.

Horus, your card is fine. There is no need to change it unless you want to.


is this overpowered? i tried to make it like torrential tribute and heavy storm.

The Slime Lord, I?d say that the effect seems overpowered. I suggest you change it.


if too riged

Max, a reminder that there is only 1 entry per person. I would suggest using the second one, it isn?t as broken as the first. Remove which ever one you decide not to use from your post.


If you think it is too strong just say it to me and I will make a better 1.

The Undertaker, your card is fine. However, if you feel you can do better feel free to change it.


Tomorrow is the deadline to submit or edit your cards, after that is too late. Me and my associates will be play testing the cards, giving them full reviews, and posting the results the day after along with the name of the winner.


Seperate Note: 1 Monter, 1 Spell and 3 Traps. Wow, I thought there would be more monsters.

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ummm... :o

this is a staple i guess...

too much of a zombie theme?

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :shock:



I'd have to disagree. Not all decks need regeneration cards. And there is a card in the OCG called Time Machine (Not sure on exact name) that has the same effect of your card (except the position must be the same when summoned), but it's costless.

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To read the winner of the contest, scroll down and read the last paragraph of this post.



Spy Hunter


When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, destroy all face-down cards on the field.

Review: This card?s high point was its ability to clear Sakuretsu Armors out of the way. My opponent constantly destroyed it purposely to clear my back row and save his bigger monsters. This cad was an adequate substitute for our lost Breaker. It's name even had a nice natural ring to it, like it belonged in the game.

Best Scenario: My opponent used its effect to destroy my face-down D.D. Warrior Lady. This was a good move on my opponent?s part even though I wasn?t too happy about it, lol.

Worst Scenario: When I saw it was on the field, I made sure I set Sangan before its effect was set off. A small fault in the card?s make but enough to actually balance it out nicely.

Ruling: Limited

Rating: 7/10



Dragon King?s Servants

Normal Spell

Summon 2 ?Lightning Dragon Tokens? (Light/Thunder/1/0/0).

Review: I got to test this card myself. It got dubbed ?Stray Lambs on Steroids? by my group.

Best Scenario: Got to activate it, then tribute 1 of the tokens for Zaborg.

Worst Scenario: None... This card was never a dead draw and always gave me a +1 over my opponent.

Ruling: FORBIDDEN (No rating)


The Slime Lord

Atomic Blast

Counter Trap

This card can only be activated when a Spell or Trap card has been activated. Negate the effect of the Spell or Trap Card has and destroy all Spell and Trap Card on the field.

Review: This card got high acclaim. Everyone in the group wanted to use the proxy of it. It was like a second Heavy Storm. My group was divided into two sides and we had to seriously debate the issue. A decision was finally met after an extended period of time.

Best Scenario: Continuously blew up the back field of its opponent. The member the group that was using it actually chained it to the activation of his own Spell Card and blew up his opponent?s back row and got to attack freely for the game. Even though this scenario never happened again, it was a humourous thing to see(Even for the one who lost).

Worst Scenario: None...Another with no drawbacks.

Ruling: Limited(However, for it to be limited, some of us felt Mystical Space Typhoon should be removed from the user?s deck. This was never completely decided on.)

Rating: 9/10



Reflecting Blast

Counter Trap

Activate only when your opponent attacks. Negate the attack, destroy the attacking monster and your opponent takes direct damage equal to the attacking monster?s ATK.

Review: Another highly sought after card, and another one I got to use in my deck. It was like shoving a Sakuretsu Armor down a Magic Cylinder and firing it at my opponent. My opponent even felt like making a sketch of such a situation after the match, lol.

Best Scenario: Destroyed a Monarch for 2400 damage.

Worst Scenario: Again....None. If Magic Cylinder is limited, there is no way this card would be considered legal to use.

Ruling: FORBIDDEN (No Rating)


The Undertaker

Magical Barrier

While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent declares 1 monster type during each of his Standby Phases. Each turn your opponent must attack with just monster of the declared monster type. You must pay 400 Life Points during each of your standby phases. If you can?t, this card is destroyed. Though it was a great combo, this card felt more like it belonged in a stall deck rather than every deck.

Review: A great stall card. Since some decks don?t necessarily stick to one Type (Monarchs, I?m looking at you guys!). It was great having a Dark Door that didn?t apply to you. It forced your opponent to decide what monster he was going to attack with before he got a chance to play it. This made this card deadly with Bottomless Trap Hole and Ring of Destruction.

Best Scenario: Used in a combo with Ring of Destruction proving to be great stall.

Worst Scenario: Blown up the next turn by Mobius.

Ruling: Semi-Limited/Limited(Would be considered Semi-Limited if Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area B were banned)

Rating: 4/10



Dawn of the Apocalypse

Counter Trap

You can only activate this card by paying 1500 Life Points when a Spell Card is activated by your opponent. Negate the Spell card an looked at your opponent?s hand. Discard all spell cards in your opponent?s to hand to the graveyard.

Review: This card was a whole new level above the rest. Though it was a dead draw late game, it proved to be a game winning card if you found it in your opening hand. First, by paying 1500 life points, you got to negate your opponent?s Spell Card. This made Magic Jammer even more forgotten as it was pushed from the memories of those who used this card. Then, you got not only look at your opponent?s hand, but discard all his spells!

Best Scenario: Stopped Smashing Ground on a player?s turn and that player lost 2 more spells from his hand. This card replaced Confiscation all together.

Worst Scenario: Became a dead draw late game.

Ruling: FORBIDDEN (No Rating)


This was not a contest of simply who could make the strongest card. Card?s that are labeled ?Forbidden? proved to be overpowerd and received no rating for this contest. Therefor, the winner is The Slime Lord with a card rating of 9/10. Thank you all for competing and I hope you will all participate in my next competition(Whenever that may be).

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