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PRanimation's 3 point animation shop!animated adds and icons(hiring)


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Welcome to the 3 point animation house. we are just starting out so our selection is limited.





[spoiler=Animated adds]


[spoiler=Form] pic/color for background:

Character u want(spritesheet or just a name. if nasme it will be a random pic:

What you want it to do:

What you want the writing to be:



[spoiler=Animated icons]




Background color:

Character u want(spritesheet or just a name. if nasme it will be a random pic:

Writing(weather u want it blinking, the color and what you want it to say):

Size(like 100x100 or 60x60 or something like that):


More comming soon....


[spoiler=Worker form]

Type of animation you do:


Sprite website you use(just in case i need to direct u to another site):


[spoiler=bannedlist]none yet








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Please let me give you a review/tip/suggestion. I havent ordered yet because of the process. Ive seen many animation shops where you DONT need a spritesheet. I know it is easier to create these items when you have one, but maybe you could find a couple and put them as options, just in case they are lazy like me, and dont want to find a spritesheet.



Hope I was of assistance,



btw: I did not mean to come across as criticizing, or spamming. I apologize if I did.

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It could still be improved, but it is better. Thanks.


In which case:


I will have one animated banner. (Quite frankly, I dont care what the picture or who the character is, Nor do you I care what they are doing. HOWEVER, if you must have a filled form, please use detective conan (case closed) sprites. (I ont care who. Use who whatever you have/can find.) If you cant do detective conan, then the character is your choice.


As for the text: Visit the MEGA MART!!! TODAY!





If you have a problem with any part of my order, please tell me and Ill fix it.

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