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1 Stardust and a side of owned.


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its too many dead draws if you keep returning it as a precaution. xD


its fun, but if you look at the wording, you can equip it to any monster on the field and it switches control, meaning that if your opponent doesn't have any monster, you will give control of one of your own lolololol ;)

of course I haven't read the rulings so I'm just basing this on the writting

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Terrible. Either a -1' date=' or you're running Masked Beast Des Gardius, which's about par with Movie Sphinxes. =/





Now naturally, you're absolutely motherfucking COR-RECT. Let's make a Deck outta this 4-faced motherf***er. It may be terrible, but it's still awesome.

You could possibly beat YUGI's deck with it!!! :shock:

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One of my opponents at locals used Des Gardius and this against me.


I wasn't mad. I was to busy trying to keep my Jaw up at the fact that someone actually played this. I admire cards like this and Des Gardius because of my code. If you can play a card like this and make it WORK, I consider you a pro.

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One of my opponents at locals used Des Gardius and this against me.


I wasn't mad. I was to busy trying to keep my Jaw up at the fact that someone actually played this. I admire cards like this and Des Gardius because of my code. If you can play a card like this and make it WORK' date=' I consider you a pro.


I make the Theinen Sphinxes work. Honest lols in the face of the opponent's monsters.

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