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heavy storm is good for the game

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It doesn't need to be costed' date=' the card is not "unfair" if you're not an idiot against it.



"Not being an idiot against it" = "using Roar and setting the same amount of cards as they do +1", fairly simple right? That's obviously not the problem.


Here's my argument. Heavy Storm doesn't promote skill. The only skill from the use of Spells and Traps in the first place is timing. Monsters can't all be thrown down at once unless there're certain circumstances in which they can be, in which case those circumstances are subject to an evaluation. Monsters have to be chosen above eachother in the order that their played, and they need to , which adds whole new dimensions.


Monster overextention leads to quicker Duels, Heavy leads to monster overextension by preventing TT, MF, and 1-for-1s like attack responders, Solemn, or (B)TH. With monster extension at an all time high, Heavy needs to go for longer Duels, for more of a skill margin.


Heavy removes Spells and Traps. Spell and Traps destroy monsters. Heavy protects monsters by removing obstacles. One SHOULD skillfully evaluate the situation and remove obstacles by stalling or drawing them out and chipping for game bit by bit.

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if storm was to banned then adam corn would be like OMG im gonna play Stun or Gadget or A burn deck so all these people on the internet can copy me and then start to moan cause there's not enough spell and trap removal in the game oh im gonna quit if storm isnt unbanned


storm adds big removal to the game our only big removal card


i think by limiting cold wave it give that edge on anti meta decks


storm is not ban worth at all


end of


wait for ignorant yank to reply "but adam corn told us it should be banned because"

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I don't even know where to start...


You can start by making a post with substance.


I'm sorry, just posting my thoughts I suppose. Well, considering the turn that this topic took, I really have very few options as to what I can do with this thread. I might leave it be for a day or two, but that probably won't be long enough to let things clear out. Probably the best thing to do is lock this topic and just wait until someone cares enough to make a new one, considering the conversation is pretty much over, by the looks of it.

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