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heavy storm is good for the game

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I'm thinking this for a balanced Trunade/Heavy:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You can only activate this card while you control at least 1 Spell or Trap card on your side of the field.


It's kind of like discarding' date=' except you have to use a settable S/T for the discard and it could potentially serve as a combo with a few "when this is destroyed" cards.



I wish there was more "when this card is destroyed" Trap/Spell cards. Security Orb, Dark Coffin and Kozaky's Self Destruct Button isn't enough.


Spell Calling was always my favourite. =p


Chainables are practically "when this card is destroyed" too, but can't be activated upon being Set and can be activated at times other than destruction.


More of a margin for skill in the order and way in which you're utilizing your monsters and their effects than for Spells and Traps, dumpers and recruiters being prominent examples, as well as timing of Ignition and Quick Effects and targets. Spells and Traps are just Effect Monsters without stats and easier ways of getting out.


Over-extension of Spells and Traps isn't nearly the problem over-extension of monsters is, and Heavy supports the over-extension of monsters and quicker games by removing the obstacle of interference.


All one needs to consider with Spells and Traps is timing. Than there's the fact that the game should be about skillfully overcoming the obstacles and bashing your opponent down.


Heavy's bad for the game. If you're gonna call people who share my arguments a bad player, counter me. There's a lot more depth to the argument than "BUT THEN THEY CAN SET LOTS OF TRAP CARDS".

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I'm thinking this for a balanced Trunade/Heavy:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You can only activate this card while you control at least 1 Spell or Trap card on your side of the field.


It's kind of like discarding' date=' except you have to use a settable S/T for the discard and it could potentially serve as a combo with a few "when this is destroyed" cards.



I wish there was more "when this card is destroyed" Trap/Spell cards. Security Orb, Dark Coffin and Kozaky's Self Destruct Button isn't enough.


Geartown, Morphtronic Map.

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I'm thinking that a balanced Heavy would only be something along the lines of:




Destroy all Spell and Trap cards you control. Your opponent selects and destroys Spell and Trap cards they control equal to the amount you destroyed +1. Your opponent may draw a card.



or something.

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Guest PikaPerson01

^ Terrible card.


On-topic: Meh, I'm a little torn on the subject of Heavy Storm, however there are plenty of alternatives to punish people who play too many non-chainables. Jinzo, Mobius, MST, and Dust Tornado immediately spring to mind.

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It really isn't that hard to balance it.


"Give your soul to the devil, destroy all spell and trap cards on the field, you can only activate this card once during your lifetime."




"Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You lose the duel, and the game."


Still might be too broken though...

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^ Terrible card.


On-topic: Meh' date=' I'm a little torn on the subject of Heavy Storm, however there are plenty of alternatives to punish people who play too many non-chainables. Jinzo, Mobius, MST, and Dust Tornado immediately spring to mind.



But I beg the question, "Why must they be punished just for setting cards?"


So, if I play Macro, it deserves to be destroyed easily?

If I set Mirror Force, it deserves to be destroyed easily?


But, if I set Threatening Roar, it deserves to get its effect?


My points:

1. Over-extension is a calculated risk, usually with a strategy in mind. Mass removal is usually skill-less.

2. A card (or group of cards) should not get shafted because they are not chainable.

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^ Terrible card.


On-topic: Meh' date=' I'm a little torn on the subject of Heavy Storm, however there are plenty of alternatives to punish people who play too many non-chainables. Jinzo, Mobius, MST, and Dust Tornado immediately spring to mind.



But I beg the question, "Why must they be punished just for setting cards?"


So, if I play Macro, it deserves to be destroyed easily?

If I set Mirror Force, it deserves to be destroyed easily?


But, if I set Threatening Roar, it deserves to get its effect?


My points:

1. Over-extension is a calculated risk, usually with a strategy in mind. Mass removal is usually skill-less.

2. A card (or group of cards) should not get shafted because they are not chainable.


If you run Macro, you're SUPPOSED to run Dark Bribe and stuff to protect it, that's practically become common knowledge. As for Mirror Force, if that were chainable in the same way as Threatening Roar then it would just be stupidly overpowered wouldn't it? All Threatening Roar does is stop your opponent's attack but it's chainability actually balances that and makes it playable. With Mirror Force, you take the risk that it can't be chained however it has a powerful game turning effect is used successfully.


OT: These days, the only reason we view overextension to be foolish really is the presence of Heavy Storm in the game, because nobody mains Mobius and hardly anybody mains Jinzo anymore. We have Delta-Crow but usually that gets sided anyway.

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If you run Macro' date=' you're SUPPOSED to run Dark Bribe and stuff to protect it, that's practically become common knowledge. As for Mirror Force, if that were chainable in the same way as Threatening Roar then it would just be stupidly overpowered wouldn't it? All Threatening Roar does is stop your opponent's attack but it's chainability actually balances that and makes it playable. With Mirror Force, you take the risk that it can't be chained however it has a powerful game turning effect is used successfully.


OT: These days, the only reason we view overextension to be foolish really is the presence of Heavy Storm in the game, because nobody mains Mobius and hardly anybody mains Jinzo anymore. We have Delta-Crow but usually that gets sided anyway.



What I was getting at was that Heavy Storm should be banned so that nonchainables have some breathing room. And I still think that "punishing" players that set several cards is the wrong attitude. Must a player dispatch them quickly? Yes, but not because the defending player deserves it.

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I'm thinking this for a balanced Trunade/Heavy:


Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. You can only activate this card while you control at least 1 Spell or Trap card on your side of the field.


It's kind of like discarding' date=' except you have to use a settable S/T for the discard and it could potentially serve as a combo with a few "when this is destroyed" cards.



I wish there was more "when this card is destroyed" Trap/Spell cards. Security Orb, Dark Coffin and Kozaky's Self Destruct Button isn't enough.


Geartown, Morphtronic Map.


I meant like Dark Coffinish.

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It continues from UkayPro


[spoiler=Its very Long]

I don't believe that Heavy storm helps the game any at all. For the most part its generic S/T removal (obvious) with no draw back. As we move on in this game, don't we need to evolve? We have gotten rid of all the other great generic destruction cards, including Dark Hole, raigeki, and Feather duster. Why has storm survived as long? Slap a cost on that sucker, and it's smooth sailing. Until then, it needs to go.



^You haven't read this thread, have you?



I have, am I not allowed to disagree?



This thread gives more than enough reason for the card not to be banned, yoet you rake up points that have already been made.


Disagree, by all means. That's what a discussion board is for. But make fresh points to push the debate foward.



This thread gives more than enough reason for the card not to be banned, yoet you rake up points that have already been made.


Disagree, by all means. That's what a discussion board is for. But make fresh points to push the debate foward.

fresh points aren't needed when they are already valid to a "T." The problem aren't the points being made, its the perspectives as they are viewed. Every perspective against banning Heavy storm looks through the visors read "Every Deck, and every player plays the same." That is wrong.



Comparing storm to dark hole is so bad



'STORM SHOULD BE BANNED' = you are stupid or just rubbish at the game and want to be reckless and not think.

Also mst at 3 is not a reason for storm to be banned, it doesn't eliminate the factor of over extending.

Their would be no more pro-storm and you wouldn't need to think hard about 'which 1/2 of the 3 traps should I set in case storm comes'.

It's a very skilled card to be played around and played with, top players can gain great advantage playing storm well and not allow their opponent to gain great advantage when playing well against it.

It can also be used skillfully if you bait it out then extend, NO BAN....OKAY!



I was about to rip your post to shreds until I saw this:



2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

2 Members: N e o n Pix!, SM!


SM will do more than an adequate job.


Strategy Master: Do not disturb says:

I'm honestly not going to waste my time. (Which if you respond, you're more then welcome to mention that)


Comparing storm to dark hole is so bad


Imagine if you could Pro Hole........


I don't believe that Heavy storm helps the game any at all. For the most part its generic S/T removal (obvious) with no draw back. As we move on in this game, don't we need to evolve? We have gotten rid of all the other great generic destruction cards, including Dark Hole, raigeki, and Feather duster. Why has storm survived as long? Slap a cost on that sucker, and it's smooth sailing. Until then, it needs to go.


I will concede 1 point here. Heavy Storm is actually a ban-worthy card for the reasons that it is generic S/T destruction which requires no skill to play and is obviously capable of ripping huge advantage if the opponent allows this. Its a card which when compared to similar cards on the Banned List doesn't actually present itself as a card that should remain in the game because of its own power.


However, despite saying that there are some cards that while being maybe a bit ridiculous, are actually healthy for this game if only because of the fact that they influence the way that the game is played even if neither player draws into them. Heavy Storm, Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force are prime examples of this.


All 3 effectively wreck what should be basic actions that we're allowed to do - play/set Spells and Traps, summon Monsters or attack. The benefit that these 3 bring towards a competitive game is that they ensure that players have to be calculated in how they extend their fields. Players have to factor in the possibility that their opponent has these cards. In fact because of their very existence I'd imagine you could actually go through a regional without any of them in your deck and if you're a comptent enough player still win most of your matches against other comptent players because your opponents would be rightly fearful of these cards.


However, obviously you wouldn't be able to do that as there are still players who basically don't take them into consideration and then complain about the power of card x becuase they willing walked into a huge advantage/momentum swinging use of one of them. Generally if you're against someone who is playing the game correctly you'll tend to find that Mirror Force is often a glorified Sakuretsu Armor and I'd wager that throught out the course of a tournament it rarely destroys more than 2 monsters and will quite often be used to destroy 1, and the same would apply to both Heavy Storm and Torrential Tribute. The only way that you tend to get +1 off of Heavy Storm in these matches is either by setting up the "Pro" Storm or by simplifying the game state to a point where your Storm is actually advantageous during the later part of the game.


Attaching a cost to cards also isn't a foolproof way of getting most cards to balance out. In fact in some cases it doesn't always fix the problem. Remember that Konami actually Limited Lightning Vortex on the first list after it was first released as it was still deemed too powerful at that time, or at least it was by Konami. I also don't see how you could change Heavy Storm to balance it out any more than cards like Cold Wave and Giant Trunade technically do. I believe Konami have realised that they can't actually print another Spell with anywhere near a similar effect and that is why all of the psuedo-Storms are appearing as Trap cards with their own unique restrictions on either what they can hit or when they can be activated.


However, none of these cards would be able to fill the void that would appear if Heavy Storm got banned. Sure a lot of the top decks would still have answers to backrows whether, its Lyla, Celestia, Icarus, Bestiari, etc but most of those are monster based so are limited by the ability of the opponent's ability to commit as much to their backrow as they wish, and we would have games that would no longer be dominated by the power of monsters, but rather by who actually has the better Spell/Trap cards at the time, and I don't think that is how either Kazuki Takahashi or Konami want the game to go, and to me that is one of the main reasons why I don't expect Heavy Storm to get banned any time soon.


tl:dr - Cards like Heavy Storm may actually be overpowered, but are actually healthy for the game because of the impact that they have not only on the game when played, but on the mentality of the players to play intelligently to mitigate their impact, but are devastating against those who do not play with this consideration.


I'm gonna stop rambling now.



I was about to rip your post to shreds until I saw this:



2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

2 Members: N e o n Pix!, SM!


SM will do more than an adequate job.


Strategy Master: Do not disturb says:

I'm honestly not going to waste my time. (Which if you respond, you're more then welcome to mention that)


Comparing storm to dark hole is so bad


Imagine if you could Pro Hole........


I don't believe that Heavy storm helps the game any at all. For the most part its generic S/T removal (obvious) with no draw back. As we move on in this game, don't we need to evolve? We have gotten rid of all the other great generic destruction cards, including Dark Hole, raigeki, and Feather duster. Why has storm survived as long? Slap a cost on that sucker, and it's smooth sailing. Until then, it needs to go.


I will concede 1 point here. Heavy Storm is actually a ban-worthy card for the reasons that it is generic S/T destruction which requires no skill to play and is obviously capable of ripping huge advantage if the opponent allows this. Its a card which when compared to similar cards on the Banned List doesn't actually present itself as a card that should remain in the game because of its own power.


However, despite saying that there are some cards that while being maybe a bit ridiculous, are actually healthy for this game if only because of the fact that they influence the way that the game is played even if neither player draws into them. Heavy Storm, Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force are prime examples of this.


All 3 effectively wreck what should be basic actions that we're allowed to do - play/set Spells and Traps, summon Monsters or attack. The benefit that these 3 bring towards a competitive game is that they ensure that players have to be calculated in how they extend their fields. Players have to factor in the possibility that their opponent has these cards. In fact because of their very existence I'd imagine you could actually go through a regional without any of them in your deck and if you're a comptent enough player still win most of your matches against other comptent players because your opponents would be rightly fearful of these cards.


However, obviously you wouldn't be able to do that as there are still players who basically don't take them into consideration and then complain about the power of card x becuase they willing walked into a huge advantage/momentum swinging use of one of them. Generally if you're against someone who is playing the game correctly you'll tend to find that Mirror Force is often a glorified Sakuretsu Armor and I'd wager that throught out the course of a tournament it rarely destroys more than 2 monsters and will quite often be used to destroy 1, and the same would apply to both Heavy Storm and Torrential Tribute. The only way that you tend to get +1 off of Heavy Storm in these matches is either by setting up the "Pro" Storm or by simplifying the game state to a point where your Storm is actually advantageous during the later part of the game.


Attaching a cost to cards also isn't a foolproof way of getting most cards to balance out. In fact in some cases it doesn't always fix the problem. Remember that Konami actually Limited Lightning Vortex on the first list after it was first released as it was still deemed too powerful at that time, or at least it was by Konami. I also don't see how you could change Heavy Storm to balance it out any more than cards like Cold Wave and Giant Trunade technically do. I believe Konami have realised that they can't actually print another Spell with anywhere near a similar effect and that is why all of the psuedo-Storms are appearing as Trap cards with their own unique restrictions on either what they can hit or when they can be activated.


However, none of these cards would be able to fill the void that would appear if Heavy Storm got banned. Sure a lot of the top decks would still have answers to backrows whether, its Lyla, Celestia, Icarus, Bestiari, etc but most of those are monster based so are limited by the ability of the opponent's ability to commit as much to their backrow as they wish, and we would have games that would no longer be dominated by the power of monsters, but rather by who actually has the better Spell/Trap cards at the time, and I don't think that is how either Kazuki Takahashi or Konami want the game to go, and to me that is one of the main reasons why I don't expect Heavy Storm to get banned any time soon.


tl:dr - Cards like Heavy Storm may actually be overpowered, but are actually healthy for the game because of the impact that they have not only on the game when played, but on the mentality of the players to play intelligently to mitigate their impact, but are devastating against those who do not play with this consideration.


I'm gonna stop rambling now.


Let me start with, Hello. Its nice to know that people here (unlike other forums I know) Can express a point without shoving it down another persons throat. Im very pleased to see that, anywhere. Lately I started to question how well people actually think about different aspects of the card game in forums. People are so quick to give me the same tired spoon-feed responses, or cut and pasted all the time, that I don't even bother anymore; This was a refreshing turn of pace.


As I read through your post, I noticed that you mention how the mental state of the game is what keeps the game stable; not an exact quote, but you can correct me if im wrong. And it is, I believe that this game is more than 50% Mind games, and less than 10% skill. The rest fluctuates with luck, wit, and creativeness. I always viewed a game like munchkins. I don't know if you ever played the game, but its another card game built like an RPG and you go around kicking in doors to fight monsters. Your reward is treasure and leveling up. Yugioh isn't too different, In this game we have boss cards that make us cautious of how we play, well skilled players any way. These boss cards include the already mentioned torrential, Storm, Mirror Force, and Gorz. The reasons why they are the most feared, is because they essentially punish you for doing what the game requires to win. IE Summon monsters, play spells and Traps, activate card effects, and Attack. Now there are a few differences to Storm that separates it from all these other types of bosses, and I'll speak on them now.


Gorz is a boss card that you haven't mentioned, but like Mirror force is essentially bad for the game, if only by definition. Gorz punish players for Attacking and activating effects that inflict Damage. Gorz makes players attack in weird patterns, patterns that the game has never seen since/ before Magic cylinder. Its natural for a player to swing with the strongest creature first, however time has showed that this is a foolish / reckless move made possible by Gorz. Gorz punishes players for attacking... period. It reinforces passing, which can be tied to stalling in almost the same way Cyber dragon is (for another discussion.) And it rewards the user with another monster in exchange for Life points. Gorz also punishes the opponent for trying to win the game by 2700. IE. Your opponent swings with any non recruiter monster, regardless of the Attack gorz and friend will show up. If the Attacking monsters ATKGorz, token attacks and Gorz. Instant 2700. However when compared to Heavy storm Gorz has two things that balance the card out. One is the dependence of the opponent. It is not an effect that can be activated of the owners will. Two and activation Requirement. Its only with both of these that gorz remains at Limited instead of forbidden.


Torrential is another boss card that punishes players for summoning. It actually punishes one third of the game, that's way too much. But in order to play this card successfully, you have to restrict yourself in the same way. Torrential is another way to promote the flow of damage one player takes and stall. Players who don't see Torrential anticipate torrential. So if they control an established monster, they are going to run established monster into the ground. No further advancement of cards will be used outside of set and special summons with Ignition or Trigger effects. You've seen it all the time. A player summons sangan and sets a S/T. The opponent reads/ fears Torrential with no safe choices. That player with the sangan takes advantage of this situation. Or what about this. Player A sets 1 S/T and ends. Player B summons a monster and attacks. Player A sets another S/T. Player B draws and Attacks. Player B is essentially stalling out. Now some will say that this is simply playing conservatively, and it is. However I deem Lack of play advancement as stall. It deliberately forces an opponent to exhaust resources (Like stalling) and is directly linked to OTK's (like stalling). Not to say skillful otk's are bad, but It doesn't take skill not to activate cards. When compared to Heavy Storm, Torrential has two components that Storm doesn't. First is an activation requirement. Secondly, to be used to with most efficiency, it is also very dependent on the opponent. Even though it can be activated by your own means once the requirement is fulfilled, it isn't always wise to loose card advantage so recklessly, considering in most cases its at the cost of your normal summon.


Mirror Force Like gorz punishes players for attacking. Not much needs to be said on this subject since The list has already touched this card once. Its reasons for being ban worthy is known all around the globe that uses it. It punishes for over extension and It punishes 1 third of the game, and it punishes 1 of the main win conditions to the game. However unlike Storm, Mirror force is restricted to the opponents actions with an activation requirement. That's two things heavy storm does not have.


Heavy storm Punishes 2 thirds of the game, and 4 sub groups at the same time. Equips, Field, Continuous, and Counter (because not all counters can negate spell cards.) It punishes players for over extending, in most cases is a decks main strategy (IE Crystal Beast, Jester lord, Pac Man, etc) Heavy storm has no activation requirement and is completely at the owners own will. There is no other card like it legal in the format, and what comes close fails in comparison.


tl;dr: If your going to compare Heavy storm to any other card, keep it within the same category as it. Generic mass destruction with no cost, activation requirements, or skill to use.



For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.



Gorz still is a "boss" card i feel. The threat of it lurking dictates the way you play, just like Storm/torrential/Force/JD



For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.


its you who needs to play more. DAD and JD aren't boss cards. they don't punish anything. they are just field nukers. And no, dark hole is different. it doesn't come with restrictions. DAD can't be splashed in every deck, neither can JD.



You can't splash Chaos Emperor Dragon or BLS:EOTB either ;)



Yes JD is a boss card. It's the whole damn point of the card. He's the 'boss' of the Lightsworn.



For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.


its you who needs to play more. DAD and JD aren't boss cards. they don't punish anything. they are just field nukers. And no, dark hole is different. it doesn't come with restrictions. DAD can't be splashed in every deck, neither can JD.


Lol. Wow get out.



You can't splash Chaos Emperor Dragon or BLS:EOTB either ;)
Evidence of a noob; In a serious discussion, you bring up an Evnoy.
Yes JD is a boss card. It's the whole damn point of the card. He's the 'boss' of the Lightsworn.
He is LS support. To be a boss card, every deck has to be able to use it. When you play Monarchs, do you play conservatively because you fear Judgment Dragon? If any response to this is anything other than "No." Than JD is not a boss monster/ or individual isn't worth replying to.



For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.


its you who needs to play more. DAD and JD aren't boss cards. they don't punish anything. they are just field nukers. And no, dark hole is different. it doesn't come with restrictions. DAD can't be splashed in every deck, neither can JD.


Lol. Wow get out.

To be a boss, a card has to threaten something in any duel. Regardless of deck type. Outside of LS, no one fears JD. Its as much of a threat in LS as Tytannial is in plants, and Gyzarus or Chariot is in GB's. Good support doesn't = Boss card.



To be a boss splashable card, every deck has to be able to use it.





Here is the actual definition Konami uses


A boss monster is something you build the deck around. Maybe not completely' date=' but it's your ultimate goal.


Judgment Dragon is a great example.


High ATK doesn't make you a boss monster. see also: Ultimate Obedient Fiend[/quote']



For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.


its you who needs to play more. DAD and JD aren't boss cards. they don't punish anything. they are just field nukers. And no, dark hole is different. it doesn't come with restrictions. DAD can't be splashed in every deck, neither can JD.

Tell me you're trolling.



To be a boss splashable card, every deck has to be able to use it.



No. Your wrong and your fix contradicts itself. The sheer "to be able" Ruins your "fix."


@ Kenshin: Kevin Tewart isn't konami, hes just the idiot spokesperson they hired to grab the thought patterns of posters like you everywhere.


For all them words it sounds like you need to play more to me.


Torrential Tribute and Heavy Storm are two of the most skillful cards in the game and no im not going to eloborate.


Gorz WAS a boss monster but he aint even close to being one now, JD and DAD are the only current supreme guys right now imo.


its you who needs to play more. DAD and JD aren't boss cards. they don't punish anything. they are just field nukers. And no, dark hole is different. it doesn't come with restrictions. DAD can't be splashed in every deck, neither can JD.

Tell me you're trolling.


You throw DAD in a Gladiator beast and see how fast you fail.



If it "grabs the thought patterns" of the majority of posters (it has, and is the accepted definition here), then it is the one that should be used. All you do by re-defining it is muddy the discussion, which is precisely what has happened.



If it "grabs the thought patterns" of the majority of posters (it has, and is the accepted definition here), then it is the one that should be used. All you do by re-defining it is muddy the discussion, which is precisely what has happened.

No, what happened here is a classic case of the, "Noob poster better not say anything that conflicts with my opinion or im gonna flame him some."


People are too good to for staying closed minded and taking opinion for facts. Because Keven gave his opinion of what he feels a boss monster is, people suck it up like candy. His opinion is clearly centered around theme decks with the line, "A boss monster is something you build the deck around." We already established that Mirror force, Torrential, and Storm are boss cards, but you can't build a deck around them. Thus PROVING his definition is flawed, and opinionated, NOT FACT.



If it "grabs the thought patterns" of the majority of posters (it has, and is the accepted definition here), then it is the one that should be used. All you do by re-defining it is muddy the discussion, which is precisely what has happened.

No, what happened here is a classic case of the, "Noob poster better not say anything that conflicts with my opinion or im gonna flame him some."

No, it's because the drivel eminating from your fingers is just god awful.

Grown ups are talking, so you can go flame elsewhere now. ktnxbi



Yes. Grown ups were talking until you started spouting your drivel. Give it up. You clearly have no idea what it is you're talking about.



Yes. Grown ups were talking until you started spouting your drivel. Give it up. You clearly have no idea what it is you're talking about.

Your absolutely right. Grownups "were" talking, so please excuse yourself.



Thus PROVING his definition is flawed, and opinionated, NOT FACT.


How is it flawed when Kevin was talking about Boss monsters and your talking about 'Boss' Spells & Traps.


You can make anyone's point flawed that way, take what someone said and apply it to something different.



Yes. Grown ups were talking until you started spouting your drivel. Give it up. You clearly have no idea what it is you're talking about.

Your absolutely right. Grownups "were" talking, so please excuse yourself.


Seriously leave your wrong and your in the wrong place to be wrong. Your very being is wrong even your opinion is wrong and thats saying something is definatley wrong.



Thus PROVING his definition is flawed, and opinionated, NOT FACT.


How is it flawed when Kevin was talking about Boss monsters and your talking about 'Boss' Spells & Traps.


You can make anyone's point flawed that way, take what someone said and apply it to something different.

Because we are talking about Boss cards. Regardless of type. Ive even spoke on Gorz, a boss monster. Its flawed because its Flawed, not because I worded it to be.


Yes. Grown ups were talking until you started spouting your drivel. Give it up. You clearly have no idea what it is you're talking about.

Your absolutely right. Grownups "were" talking, so please excuse yourself.


flam, flame, flame, spit fire, flame


Im sorry, did you have anything useful to add to the discussion?



Because we are talking about Boss cards.


Kevin wasn't.


So how does his point be flawed again?


It was in response about Boss monsters, for Boss monsters. In that context it's perfectly fine.


You want to take it out of context and apply to something else, that's just being silly because it'll always be flawed then.



Because we are talking about Boss cards.


Kevin wasn't.


So how does his point be flawed again?


It was in response about Boss monsters, for Boss monsters. In that context it's perfectly fine.


You want to take it out of context and apply to something else, that's just being silly because it'll always be flawed then.

Either he is wrong, or this entire thread that follows his opinion is wrong.


If we are discussing Boss Cards and someone brings up Kevin's definition up in discussion and everybody follows it to a "T" then the entire forum is wrong for what your accusing me of; taking it out of context.


Or if the entire forum can't be wrong, Kevin is wrong by definition.


Pick one!


Thus PROVING his definition is flawed, and opinionated, NOT FACT.


How is it flawed when Kevin was talking about Boss monsters and your talking about 'Boss' Spells & Traps.


You can make anyone's point flawed that way, take what someone said and apply it to something different.

Because we are talking about Boss cards. Regardless of type. Ive even spoke on Gorz, a boss monster. Its flawed because its Flawed, not because I worded it to be.


Yes. Grown ups were talking until you started spouting your drivel. Give it up. You clearly have no idea what it is you're talking about.

Your absolutely right. Grownups "were" talking, so please excuse yourself.


flam, flame, flame, spit fire, flame


Im sorry, did you have anything useful to add to the discussion?


Yes i added your an idiot and that if you leave i will have done this topic a massive favour.

Ily DanNelson :wub:


And watching some of your games on youtube Nate, You reeeeally have no room to be talking about the inner workings of this game.

What I play with and how I play on youtube is completely different then how and what I play when there is competition. If you knew me, there would be no discussion or comparison. My youtube is for fun, creativity, and to attract the lesser competitive audience that out weighs the skilled audience.


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I lol'd when they were like: "YA, MIRROR 4CE IZ A BOSS CARD!!11"

There are only Boss Monsters, no Boss Spell/Traps.


And a Boss Monster can be anything, as long as it has high ATK, or a rediculous one-sided effect. Since its the goal that the deck achieves.


And cards like Mirror Force are more along the lines of a filler/splashable card.

Not ever deck will use Mirror Force, but the majority of them will.

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UKPro is a bunch of fags who stalk people on the internet when they can't win an argument. I mean they found me on Deviant art, gaia, youtube, some x-rated sites. Its hilarious, and creepy at the same time. Also making Fat jokes is the new way of pwning somebody, and being homosexual (although that's not funny, being in the closet is. We're in the 2000's Nobody cares.), wearing woman's clothing, and sounding like Peewee Herman is whats hot.

Case in point.

No lie, my sister owns the same jeans. I wish I could find a picture.
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