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my gladiator best deck so far

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my gladiator best deck so far is this.



Pot of Greed"

Graceful Charity

Snatch Steal


Ring of Destruction"

Dark Hole"

Monster Reborn"

Change of Heart"

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Bestiari x 2

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Hoplomus x 3

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Dimacari x 2

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Secutor x 3

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault-Gladiator Beast Spartacus x 2

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Murmillo

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Laquari

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Octavius(Holofoil)

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Alexander(Holofoil)

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Torax(Holofoil)

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Galdiator's Return

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- No Entry!!

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Disarm

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Parry

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Colosseum- Cage of the Gladiator Beast

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast's Respite

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz x 2

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Test Tiger(Holofoil)

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Defensive Tactics(Holofoil)

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Test Ape x 2

Yugioh Gladiator's Assault- Witch Doctor of Sparta




if there is anything i should add or take away plz tell me

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