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Eh, so far i only got one.


As far as i can tell its pretty balanced. Its based off of an anime I am trying to draw. And will update once i finish drawn the picture of Zyphyr and upload it. I'll also add more when i find/draw pictures to fill the rest of the squad.


To come:

Zyphyr lv1

Zyphyr lv2



-more to come-




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It also seems I've messed up on the wording' date='


-All the traps on the field are currently negated and destroyed, but not future ones.

-And magic that specifically is meant for one monster, and the opponent player chooses to use it on Zyph



That the card can only be summoned when "Zyphyr lv1" or "Zyphyr lv2" is destroyed. and only on the turn that either card is destroyed

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