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☆ Master Sami's Shop ☆ {Temporarily Closed} DO NOT LOCK!

☆ Master Sami ☆

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1) Ever heard of an Order Form to fill?


2) Are you blind? Read the price.


3) You are banned from my Shop for stealing my examples; Oh wait, you've really been banned! Anyway I'll add you to the Banned List.


Max your order is done! And just as a side note, I have improved my Advanced Holos, they look much better than the Example on the 1st Page. I used this new Advanced Holo on your card as well, tell me if you like it =)


[spoiler=Vortex & Advanced Holos]











Enjoy, give credit, and come again! =D

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The new advanced holo is definately an improvement. In fact, I might use it over the Vortex Holo (my previous favourites).


I'll probably need other cards holoing in the near future; so if on all of them you Vortex and Advance holo them, a comparison between the two will soon be possible.


Excellent work as usual.


(And whatever happened to the Wheel of Fortune?)

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OK all orders are done.


@Kira: Please use the proper name on the first page, so I can know what are you ordering, I have nothing called Ghost Rare, I have a Ghost Holo...Anyways I've made 1 Ghost Holo, 1 Gold Rare, and 1 with both to satisfy you.


~~Kira Yamato~~:


[spoiler=Ghost Holo]





[spoiler=Gold Rare]





[spoiler=Ghost Holo + Gold Rare]









[spoiler=Japanese Card]





And thanks for the tip =P




You guys enjoy, give credit, and come again! :D

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