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Guess that CARD/PKMN & get a prize! [3rd Riddle is up!]

Limited Edition KING

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[align=center]Yep! you guessed it this is yet another guess that game where if you get the right answer you recieve a prize! However this time there is a twist!

[spoiler=How to play the game]

In this game you make a guess on whatever the riddle is if you get it right you will recieve a rep! However if nobody gets the right answer by the time I spell the word HANGMAN the person who last posted must give me a rep.

Example of me spelling hangman- Riddle is "I am known by plenty of Trainers."


1st Poster- Charmander?

Me- No (H)

2nd Poster- Togepi?

Me- No (HA)

3rd Poster- Squirtle?

Me- No (HAN)

4th Poster- Rattata?

Me No (HANG)

5th Poster- Pidgey?

Me- No (HANGM)

6th Poster- Gyarados?


7th Poster- Pichu?

Me- No answer was Pikachu (HANGMAN) You owe me a rep :)


Example of correct guess- Riddle "I am a Grass Type PKMN who loves sunlight."


1st Poster- Bulbasuar?

Me- Correct! 1 rep for you ;)


These of course are just examples the riddles can be about a YGO Card or a PKMN.



You can have as many guesses as you want per day. As long as it's 1 guess per post.

[spoiler=1st Riddle is a YGO Card, Solved by Fighter]

"I destroy cards as quickly as a Storm rips through a house. When your opponent sees me their plans are gone just like that!"

Answer: Heavy Storm.



[spoiler=2nd Riddle is a YGO Card, Solved by (HANGMAN)]

"As soon as a card is in your Graveyard

I can revive it

but only if it was dead before it was in the Graveyard."

Answer: Mezuki

Fighter owes me 1 rep.



[spoiler=3rd riddle is a PKMN, solved by Saikano]

"I am a very childish PKMN

I like Eggs!"

Answer: Togepi



[spoiler=Reps owed]

Fighter owes me +1 rep




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