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Good Batterymen OR Bad Lightsworns

Are Batterymen better than Lightsworns?  

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  1. 1. Are Batterymen better than Lightsworns?

    • Yes
    • No
    • If you get a Lucky hand

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Okay this happened to me recently on Yugioh: World Championship 09.

I was playing some guy online/wi-fi and he had a Lightsworn deck, and I had my Batteryman deck.


[spoiler=Run Down]

Turn 1: Me

Hand: Batteryman AA, Honest, Inferno Reckless Summon, Short Circuit, Morphing Jar

Draw: Solemn Judgement

Set: Morphing Jar, Solemn Judgement, Inferno Reckless Summon, Short Circuit



Turn 2: Him

Summon: Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

Attacks: Garoth VS Morphing Jar -> Garoth

Discards: Jain, Celestia, Solemn Judgement, Wulf, Lightsworn Sabre

Draw: The Creator, Monster Reborn, Divine Wrath, Batterman Micro Cell, Creator Incarnate

Sets: 2 cards



Turn 3: Me

Draw: Heavy Storm

Summon: Creator Incarnate -> The Creator (DEF)

Discard: Batteryman Micro Cell

Special Summon: Batteryman AA

Activate: Inferno Reckless Summon

Special Summon (Me): Batteryman AA x2

Special Summon (Him): Garoth x2

Activate: Short Circuit

Attack: Batteryman AA x3 = 9000 ATK




It was the shortest turn I've ever been in involving a Lightsworn Deck, and it made me wonder, are Batterymen better than Lightsworns, or was it just a lucky hand?

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Possible explanations:

-He didn't know how to use his LS deck.

-He didn't have any of the really good LS cards in his deck.

-His hand sucked.

-Your hand was lucky.


I've seen Batterymen, and LS. Both are good, if you know how to use them and you have the good cards in that deck.


I had a friend who used LS's, and he stopped using them because the deck sucked. He obviously didn't have:



Some other card I can't remember that's good for LS.


You either had the better hand, the better deck, or the better skills.

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  '~ P O L A R I S ~ said:

He ran Lightsworn Saber so I'm not about to call him a pro' date=' he also should've Set his Solemn, and Jain would've been better standalone than Garoth, so he should've Summoned that for a chance to mill Wulf or Gardna.


You got the OTK off though on the second turn, which is pretty damn lucky if you ask me.



It still probably would have been game if LS had set Solemn since Batt also set a Solemn...


I'm putting this in the "good hand/luck" basket since you pulled the OTK off on the second turn.

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  'Syncrow™ said:

lol' date=' Lightsworn Sabre.





The fact that he was running it should tell you a lot about his skills.


That and you got REALLY lucky.





Hey hey hey, people, Lightsworn Sabre isn't a bad card! Please don't make fun of Jason Grabher-Meyer, that's not nice!



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Guest PikaPerson01
  '~ P O L A R I S ~ said:

he also should've Set his Solemn' date='[/quote']


And risk losing it to a Ryko (which is at 3), or some ridiculous Malevolent Catastrophe combo? You never set spells and traps during your MP1 before your battle phase.

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  'PikaPerson01 said:

he also should've Set his Solemn' date='[/quote']


And risk losing it to a Ryko (which is at 3), or some ridiculous Malevolent Catastrophe combo? You never set spells and traps during your MP1 before your battle phase.


Well, assuming he knew he was up against OTK. Malevolent Catastrophe's never mained, so it's not really a credible threat, and Ryko isn't exactly in the vast majority of what you'll come up against.


Sure, he could've Set it in MP2, but he didn't have it in MP2, so...eh. =/

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Guest PikaPerson01
  '~ P O L A R I S ~ said:

Well' date=' assuming he knew he was up against OTK.[/quote']


Why would the LS player assume that? All he saw was 3 set s/ts and a set monster. For all he knew, it was Chain Burn, Stun, or any other Anti-Meta or Burn based thing.

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Good news everyone!


I just invented the ability to go to gewgle, look for this image, and post it here, along with a sentence saying "Batterymanz are awesome, and the Meta should consist of Batteryman decks"


But thats just me.

And TC, exactly why are you running Devine Wrath?

And Monster Reborn is B&.

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  'PikaPerson01 said:

Well' date=' assuming he knew he was up against OTK.[/quote']


Why would the LS player assume that? All he saw was 3 set s/ts and a set monster. For all he knew, it was Chain Burn, Stun, or any other Anti-Meta or Burn based thing.


Wi-Fi doesn't necessarily have to exactly emulate real life, and though I've never played it before, It'd be possible that one could see Deck names, an opponent's Deck before a Duel, etc. The LS player isn't making the assumption. I'm making the assumption that he knows.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest PikaPerson01
  'ShroomShroom said:

You either had the better hand' date=' the better deck, or the better skills.



I'm thinking all 3


Why do stupid people necro bump? I mean, it's just random rule breaking that makes you look like a fool, and that you purposely have to go way out of your way to do it.

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