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Did this EVER happen to you?

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Play a Match with somebody... (dark usually level 4 monster deck)


Duel 1

Activate Final Countdown. After 5 turns, summon Dark Rainbow Dragon and win. After that, put the Final Countdown in your Side Deck (it seems useless) and add another Mystic Plasma Zone. (won)


Duel 2

Started winning and...enemy activates Gravity Bind. After 30 turns, enemy wins because I have no card left in my Deck... (lost)


Duel 3

Same story as above... (lost)


Result: Match lost...


Did something like this ever happen to you? It made me realise how useful Final Countdown can sometimes be...

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lol you still run Final Countdown.


That's your first mistake.


I will murder your entire family for saying that!


Just a sec...TC plays offensive Monsters in a defensive Deck, removes his win condition by siding, and loses due to not having his win condition in his Main Deck anymore?

That's freaking hilarious!

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