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SD 14 - Advent of the Emperor (Has been updated)

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Newly Added Card:


Emperor Order

Continuous Trap

You can negate the activation and effect of an Effect Monster whose effect is activated when Normal Summoned. Afterwards, the controller of that monster draws 1 card.


Why its actually good with monarchs:

If you summon Zaborg or Granmarg and their isn't a good target except its self or another and you can't just skip this like Mobius, you can just summon it and draw a card without using its effect.

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Actually, that i gonna be a cool addition to Monarch decks too! Your opponent activates that matter transporter to remove his monster from play when you summon zaborg so that he makes you destroy himself. At that time, you activate this so that you draw a bonus card and still have zaborg ready for a direct attack

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guess what?


if theres no targets' date=' DONT SUMMON THE MONARCH.


this card is terrible.




and NO treeborn will not be banned. if it is, monarch decks will be completely worthless.



i have to agree... this card does suck... not worth using... and HORUS is right... dont summon the monarch... thats the point of them :l


actually were lucky that treeborn is limited...

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Gee folks are you so dependent on treeborn as your live savior for your monarch deck?


So you think the trap is horrible, answer me this:


Opponent has Cyber End Dragon on the field with a face down Pulling the Mat and its now just become your turn after using a waboku to safe yourself from Cyber End Dragon, you draw Zaborg and have a face down trap known as Emperor Order, your opponent is down to 2400 due to earlier damage + power bond damage, its duel 3, would you then consider it a crudy card if you are at the brink of winning if you also have a face down Magic Cylinder?


Also its an answer to a Monarch Users prayers, its stops the enemy from cheaping with Mat.


also new card updates:


Kaiser Sacrifice





When this card is tributed for a successful tribute summon, return this card to your hand.

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