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Fusion Dragon Combo


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Another one of my special little combinations that seems over powered, but when you try to use it in a real game, it's actually not that easy.


First off, the "Fusion Dragon".



Even on it's own, this is a handly little card. It pretty much has a built in Polymerization. I use this in a random and fun deck I made with a lot of fusions so that I have 3 Polymerizations and 3 Fusion Dragons in 1 deck. Crazy? Yeah but it's for fun.


Then you have the slightly overpowered "Tri-Fusion Dragon".



Yes this is quite an interesting card. If you think about it, you can't use the effect of one of your "Fusion Dragon"s to summon this...because that would mean separately sacrificing one of them. So it would require one of my Polymerizations. In essence, I sacrifice 4 Fusion Cards that I could otherwise use to fuse 4 more times. Instead I would choose this to automatically summon any Fusion I want :D.


In and of itself, it's quite overpowered...but that's why you have to sacrifice 3 little tiny easy-to-kill dragons to get it.

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