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Big O! Show Time!

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OOOOOh, Heart of the Underdog, that card that gives you 500 LP every time you draw, Ancient Rulesx2 for 2 LV 5+ Vanillas, then summon this guy.


then proceed to use all the LP you gained to pump up this fuccer to epic proportions.


EDIT: Whoops, didn't see "Once per turn"

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Anyways' date=' being unable to be SS'd kills it. That said, it's Trade-In food, Allure food, FuFu fodder, and Overload fodder.



You know what else has all those merits? Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon.


The difference is that Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon doesn't interrupt Reasoning and Monster Gate.


Who uses either of those cards in any tier 2+ deck?

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The damage can go to over 9000!!! if you are really, REALLY lucky!

(Summon and increase its ATK > successfully direct attack > miracles happen and your opponent will destroy it after the attack during his turn and you will have a Spell of Pain or Barriel Behind the Door when that happens > result: 9600 damage?)


I know...... not that great...

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It's basically a slightly upgraded Fiendish Engine Ω. =--)





oh wow this is different...


this has been edited


This excuse is even worse than "I was tired".



Anyways' date=' being unable to be SS'd kills it. That said, it's Trade-In food, Allure food, FuFu fodder, and Overload fodder.



You know what else has all those merits? Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon.


The difference is that Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon doesn't interrupt Reasoning and Monster Gate.


Who uses either of those cards in any tier 2+ deck?


2+ = 2 and higher = tier 2 and worse.

You just implied that REDMD decks are better than tier 2.


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