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More New E-Heroes! <Edited>


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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.

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For you guys that look at this' date=' here are some new cards that I made. There are 3 Fusions and 1 Spell. I don't really care if you don't like them just give me you honest opinion. Ok here they are.




Elemental Hero Stealth Wing

Winged-Beast/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird"+"Elemental Hero Avian"

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" Each time a Trap or Spell card is activated, this monster can inflict 300 Direct Damage to your opponent for each "Elemental Hero" monster you control. (Not including this monster.)

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF


Elemental Hero Infernal Burst

Pyro/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab"+"Elemental Hero Burstinatrix"

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" By discarding your whole hand, you can negate every attack from your opponents monsters for 2 of their Battle Phases. (You can only activate this effect on the turn this monster is Summoned once.)

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF


Elemental Hero Gaia Guardian

Rock/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Grand Mole"+"Elemental Hero Clayman"

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" If this monster attacks 1 opposing monster succesfully, at the end of the Damage Step, this monster must be in Defense Position and gains 100 DEF for each monster on the field. (This monster cannot change it's Battle Position for the rest of the duel.)

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF


Elemental Hero Nightmare Soldier

Beast-Warrior/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther"+"Elemental Hero Necroshade"

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" If this monster is in Face-Up Attack Position, only this monster can be targeted as an attack Target. If you activate this effect, inflict 800 Damage to your opponents life points for each Elemental Hero monster in your Graveyard.

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF


Elemental Hero Ocean Fighter

Sea-Serpent/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin"+"Elemental Hero Bubbleman "

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" When this monster is Specail Summoned, all "Elemental Hero" monster are not effect by the effects of Spell Cards and Flip Effects. When this effect is activated, 2 "Elemental Hero" monsters you control cannot attack this turn.

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF



Elemental Hero Lightning Thorn

Plant/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Glow Moss"+"Elemental Hero Sparkman"

This monster cannot be Specail Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!" If this monster is sucssecfully Special Summoned, this monster must be on your opponenets side of the field. This monster cannot be Tributed. Each Standby Phase, inflict 400 Damage to your Life Points. (This is not optional.)

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF




Send 1 "Neo-Spacian" and 1 "Elemental Hero" monster from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard. They must be the same attribute. Specail Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that requires those 2 Fusion Material Monsters. (This counts as a Fusion Summon)



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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.


A 12-year old like me has no idea what you are talking about....




We need one for Neos!

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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.


A 12-year old like me has no idea what you are talking about....





We need one for Neos!


What do you mean?

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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.


A 12-year old like me has no idea what you are talking about....





We need one for Neos!


What do you mean?


I meant that there's still Neos, Lady Flame, Stratos, and so many others...


We could make Fusions for EVERY Elemental hero... That is gonna be so fun.

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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.


A 12-year old like me has no idea what you are talking about....

I'm 12 years old.

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[spoiler=Elemental Hero Lightning Thorn (OCG Fixes)]

Just copy & paste the effect below.


Plant/ Fusion/ Effect

"Neo-Spacian Glow Moss"+"Elemental Hero Sparkman"

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neo-Hero!".When this monster is Special Summoned, it is Special Summoned to your opponents field, the monster cannot be Tributed. During each Standby Phase, inflict 400 Damage to the controller of this card.

3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF


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Why so bad? This archtype needs work... So these are fine.

Beause nobody would use Heroes + Neo-Spacians except Jaden's lolfanboy/girls. Heores and Neo-Spacians are there own Archtype. Imagine putting Zombies in Gladiator Beasts. That's like putting Heroes + Neo-Spacians together. It doesn't work.


A 12-year old like me has no idea what you are talking about....

I'm 12 years old.


No, you're 35.

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