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Curse Sasuke

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Okay here is how this game works i give details about an anime character from any anime and if you guess correctly you win a pos rep but you have to say the characters name and show.



*2 guesses per day


[spoiler=Number One-Solved By CeDeFiA ]

I gotta chetch them all



[spoiler=Number Two]

I throw down a face down



[spoiler=Number Three-Solved by Ramanga]

My hair invites you to come in



[spoiler=Number Four]

I will kill you with my floss of death



[spoiler=Number Five]

I was stuck in a box for a long ass time




Good Luck ;)

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From now on if you dont follow the rules your getting negged for spamming and you are all wrong exept Ramanga


[spoiler=Number Five]

I was stuck in a box for a long ass time




At least that's what Keita thought' date=' [b']but inside the box he finds a girl[/b]



I am so right. Its your fault for having ambiguous hints.

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