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[DISC] A Monster Who Can't Decide!!

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We need to get the ally of justice series pronto so I can stop losing to lightsworn...

If you want to stop losing to lightsworn' date=' use your side deck.


To use the side-deck, you need to actually draw the cards, and if their traps LS will usually stop w/ decree. IT can work if you're lucky but if not the side deck can't do sheet.


On the other hand, you don't need to draw synchros. They can pop out whenever you need them.


Tell me, what would you side against LS, that they can't counter just as well?

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this thing is beastly' date=' just kinda unusable. I'd run it in a deck w/ Mind Controls,

just because i could steal something and make a big 3300 beatstick with possible effects; the last one's pure LS and Gradius hate, but the other 2 are usable just against light.

This thing would be so BA in a yugioh game where you fight WITH the monsters in big

open levels vs. teams of other monsters (an idea I AM working on, ha!)



I think that was already done on the PS2.

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this thing is beastly' date=' just kinda unusable. I'd run it in a deck w/ Mind Controls,

just because i could steal something and make a big 3300 beatstick with possible effects; the last one's pure LS and Gradius hate, but the other 2 are usable just against light.

This thing would be so BA in a yugioh game where you fight WITH the monsters in big

open levels vs. teams of other monsters (an idea I AM working on, ha!)



I think that was already done on the PS2.


except this is full-on fighting and not crapsule monsters or that falsebound kingdom shiz.

Imagine a huge Gotcha Force-ish game, with immense battles and yugioh cards.

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We need to get the ally of justice series pronto so I can stop losing to lightsworn...

If you want to stop losing to lightsworn' date=' use your side deck.


To use the side-deck, you need to actually draw the cards, and if their traps LS will usually stop w/ decree. IT can work if you're lucky but if not the side deck can't do s***.


On the other hand, you don't need to draw synchros. They can pop out whenever you need them.


Tell me, what would you side against LS, that they can't counter just as well?


Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Threatening Roar

Dust Tornado

Brain Golem

Soul Release/Fiend Comedian

Solemn Judgment

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We need to get the ally of justice series pronto so I can stop losing to lightsworn...

If you want to stop losing to lightsworn' date=' use your side deck.


To use the side-deck, you need to actually draw the cards, and if their traps LS will usually stop w/ decree. IT can work if you're lucky but if not the side deck can't do s***.


On the other hand, you don't need to draw synchros. They can pop out whenever you need them.


Tell me, what would you side against LS, that they can't counter just as well?


Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Threatening Roar

Dust Tornado

Brain Golem

Soul Release/Fiend Comedian

Solemn Judgment


How many of those, won't be stopped if they get decree out early? Only Brain Golem, which I guess is OK, and Soul Release, which I might try.

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We need to get the ally of justice series pronto so I can stop losing to lightsworn...

If you want to stop losing to lightsworn' date=' use your side deck.


To use the side-deck, you need to actually draw the cards, and if their traps LS will usually stop w/ decree. IT can work if you're lucky but if not the side deck can't do s***.


On the other hand, you don't need to draw synchros. They can pop out whenever you need them.


Tell me, what would you side against LS, that they can't counter just as well?


Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Threatening Roar

Dust Tornado

Brain Golem

Soul Release/Fiend Comedian

Solemn Judgment


How many of those, won't be stopped if they get decree out early? Only Brain Golem, which I guess is OK, and Soul Release, which I might try.


I used to run Dissapear and then i realized it was a horrible card, so i ran Fiend Comedian. I have had 3 times where i removed 2 milled Judgment Dragons and won. I main Dust Tornados to kill Decree, Mirror Force and lolTorrential.

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If they activate decree first' date=' those tornados are useless. I find it difficult to ever get traps off against LS.


not if you chain onto them. I have always been able to draw at least 1.

Yeah, if you have the trap before they have the decree. They can just activate it preemptively. I never had a problem playing aggresive decks like blackwings, but decree has been a major issue this format when I tried to play more anti-metaish decks.

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