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One Shot card [Busted Angel]


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You are all lthinkins wrong about this card isn't underpowerd at all.


Why would it be underpowerd:

A zeven star monster with a low attack and you can't summon other monsters while on the field.


Why isn't it underpowerd:

Because of his low attack you can special summon him by the effect of Shinning angel.

You can't summon a monster but you can stil set a monster. And the fact that it gains 1000 ATK for evey card that is equiped so if you special summon her from the grave with premurial burial it already has 1500 ATK points if you than play Axe of Despair it gains 1000 atk by her effect and 1000 atk by effect of axe giving it 3500 ATK with only 2 equip cards. Also because it has 2 types it gets supports for warriors and machienes. There are also a vieuw cards that support high level monsters


I give it a 7/10 because to get her true power you need the good combo's

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I agree with this guy^^

I'm not so sure that he rated it so well,so

7.2/10! because of a great idea and you are a new member(great card){and plus all this Alordzynix wrote}.Balanced enough(but still...)if we see this card only for its effect resolving,excluding other strategies involved in.

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I think its a good sound card.

You gain 100 ATK and DEF PLUS whatever the equip card gives you (3 axe of despairs would mean you just gained 6000 ATK points and 3000 DEF).


500 Life Points is a small price to pay and easily correctable with the Trap Card Solemn Wishes, which gives you 500 Life Points for every card you draw. You get that whenever you start your turn, so paying to attack with a great amount of attack power, yeah definitely something worth considering going against.


Too bad there isn't a Magician like that card, I would definitely be adding that to my collection.

Solid 10/10

nothing more I can say about that.

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Well' date=' just let me know what you think. I hope I got the grammar right this time.





.... no, sorry.



Good pic, a card couldn't have a double type, OCG at 75%, GOR at 0.5 (pretty low)



Alordzynix, only noobs run equips other then Premature.

Maybe rough, but true.

Still, Maha Vailo is stronger in all respects.

Oh? 3 Axe = +6000 ATK? And then? Attack, bump into a Sak and then suffer an ultimate of -6?


No thank you.


Plus, if you're so fuzzy that you DO run Axes, then you'll propably consider one Axe enough. BUT, That card + one Axe = 500+2000=2500 and Maha Vailo + Axe = 1550+500+1000=3050.


The linear formula for this situation is t=1000f+аf+500 for that card and t=500f+аf+1550 for Maha Vailo when f=number of the equips, a=number of ATK which each equip does give and t=total ATK.


Yeah, try and think about that :D

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That may be true, but as you said, if people assume that only noobs use equip cards, then that gives him the advantage. No one will plan to counter equip cards. Sure, a Harpies Feather Duster or Heavy Storm, things of that nature will destroy them. Mirror Force, Negate Attack and Waboku will momentarily stop them. But really, since no one tends to use equip cards beyond Premature Burial, no one really plans on countering them. It really gives him a bit of edge in a match.


Yes, Maha Vailo may be stronger by a minor amount, but that's just all the more reason to put both of them in a deck when you've got equip cards max-ing out your deck.

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Card Name: Busted Angel

Card-Style: Monster

Attribute: LIGHT

Card-Type: Warrior/Machine/Effect

Level: 7

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Effect: "Pay 500 life points for this monster to attack. For every equip card attached to this monster, this monster gains 1000 ATK and DEF points. While this card is one the field you cannot summon monsters. When this card is used as a tribute remove it from play."[/align][align=center]Intro:

This card seems to have some discussion in it... is it underpowered because of the low ATK + DEF and its high LVL? Or is it overpowered? Because of its massive boost with equip cards? Or is it just perfect? A typical annoying problem.


Art: 09/10

It's a pretty nice picture and I have almost nothing to say about it.


OCG: 06/10

I don't know why it doesn't read like a charm, but it just doesn't. However, grammar isn't my strongest point.


Balance: 09/10

This is the part most people find it either underpowered or underpowered. Most people here what I see are probably only reading the ATK + DEF and then they start reading the LVL and say it's underpowered and then leave. I kinda much do find it balanced in a way. It has some abilities which can make this monster into a sheer destroyer with massive attack. My favourite Equip Card for this little situation would be Mage Power :). It has potential of becoming a dangerous monster, however... it does has its downsides. Such as paying 500 lifepoints every time to attack and that you cannot summon any other monsters. Making it quite annoying if your opponent only plays their monster in DEF-position. About the type of card... I do agree that cards shouldn't be multi-typed as OldMaster. I mostly see this card effect actually as a Spellcaster... as those mostly use Spell Cards to increase their capabilities. But that is just me...


Hardness: 08/10

It's not pretty much difficult to summon it... it is difficult to keep this card on the field. It cost you 500 lifepoints every turn to attack and if your opponent only plays DEF-position cards it gets annoying after a while. Equip cards are pretty hard to draw when you need them. Making this monster hard to keep in the field. Giving the "Hardness" an 8.


Idea: 10/10

FIRST TIME I GIVE A 10 FOR IDEA :P... No better yet, first time I give a 10 for any part... this card is definitely unique in a way. Even Maha Vailo is 1550 ATK and get stronger because of every Equip card. This one is also the only monster you can have on the field of your side (unless you summoned her after already summoning some other monsters). I pretty much find this card unique in its own way... as the reason I give a straight 10.


Total: 09/10

I don't think it's underpowered, I don't think it is overpowered. What I do however think is that this card is pulling to the underpowered-group more instead of the overpowered group.. I like this card in almost most of its area's. Art is good, balanced it is pretty nice and the idea is totally unique. The 2 reasons that this isn't a 10 is because of it's weak standard 500 ATK making it a bit more underpowered then overpowered and that it isn't a Spellcaster :).

[/align][align=center]Change Suggestions:

  • *balance* Make it "Spellcaster"
    I personally find it's effect more Spellcaster-like then any other effect. Machine is more from the more monsters on the field the stronger you are and Warrior are mostly have a strong ATK of themselves. While Spellcasters help themselves with Spell-cards to grow stronger. Also I personally find its effect closest to Maha Vailo and the Dark Elf which ARE a spellcasters. But don't use multiple types!

[/align][align=center]Final Word:

I seem to not be able to think of everything else... all in all I find this card pretty refreshing and new. Giving it a hopefully deserved 9. If it is a Fairy monster... I also might as well put it in my deck... but serieusly... too bad I still think it's effect is more Spellcaster like. (Fairy are life-point management).

[/align][align=center]Extra: *never remove or edit this part from your post*

This type of rating has been created by KrakenNLD. Everybody is welcome to use the exact same style of rating only if you have the pride to still put this in your post.[/align]

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