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How to create awesome sigs


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1.So first open Gimp

2.Next click file then new

3.Set it as 400x150(may be a little bigger or smaller)

[spoiler=It should look like this]1zgball.gif


4.Use brushes or graphics to make a cool background(get brushes from Deviantart)[spoiler=See here]souwlt.gif


5.copy a render(cut-out) and paste it and place or resize til where you want it[spoiler=Like this]2dvu6nd.gif


6.Now get a good font or pick one you have and type something in(username)

[spoiler=I used Terminator 2]207w51h.gif


7.Now if you want just add more things experiment and have that is all


Here is the finished thing



Post your finished sigs to

Herz one of my other sigs


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Age is never relevant, its what people are willing to do to improve, like read tutorials, and ask for CnC. (Btw I be 21)


If you're gonna aim at the real beginners like your tutorial suggests I suggest you teach them actual things such as how to install brushes for use.

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yeah whatever but bloodrose' date=' youre the guy in charge of this right? shouldnt all this be easy to you???



First off, Blood Rose = WOMAN


Second, moderation of a design forum is dependent on moderation skill, helpfulness, and some design skill. It isn't all dependent on skill with Photoshopz.

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Thanks Rain.


I made that suggestion because you can't make a beginner tag (tutorial), but not aim it at the complete beginners you need to teach them the very basics, this doesn't teach them at all the basics that you would need to know if you wanted to use Brushes or Text.


I don't use GIMP anyhow, yes I know to work it on PS, but I'm trying to make this practical for the beginners not those that have some knowledge of GIMP.

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