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Brendano Harns

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I don't want to have to report you' date=' so add more to that post, or delete it.



I think he means Low BEGINER >_>


I like V1 and V3, V2 you can barely see the renders or the text :3

V1 is good w/o text but could use a better BG but V3...IS EPIC!





v3 is cool

its good cant really think of anythin more to say ;D

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Thanks guys! ^_^


Namo: Yeah, I know what he meant, but three words in classified as spam. He didn't even tell me how to improve it.


[Class] Seems to attract unwanted attention.


I'll keep using it though, as long as people a willing to teach me. Even the best GFXers don't know everything...DeMeNTeD doesn't count...



The thing is, my screen is different from everyone else's. Mine stretches thing from the sides, because it is a sreen with a long width. Also, the color is brighter.


As a result, what I'm seeing looks a lot different.

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I don't want to have to report you' date=' so add more to that post, or delete it.



I think he means Low BEGINER >_>


I like V1 and V3, V2 you can barely see the renders or the text :3

V1 is good w/o text but could use a better BG but V3...IS EPIC!





v3 is cool

its good cant really think of anythin more to say ;D


Stuped? you mean Stupid, Stupid -_- when he classes as begginer he says novice so STFU!


And I already gave my reasons XD I just wish I could GFX like DeMeNTed, nevah gonna happen though XD

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No one will ever be able to...maybe God' date=' but I'm not sure how accurately the Bible was translated...



Silly little fool, Demented can design worth anything.


Multiple focals and lack of nice effects seem to be your main problem at the moment.

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