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1,000th post Celebration Contest [ OVER a Mod may LOCK now ]]


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[spoiler=Over]In recognition of my 1,000th post/5-stars, I'll hold a contest.


Notice: After September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM, Eastern Time Zone, I will NOT be accepting anymore people. However you may reserve a spot, but it is on a first-come first-serve. I have 16 people, and will not have more than 20.


- Absolutely ANYONE can enter.

- Enter any card you want.

- No entry fee.

- First place gets 4 Reps, Second 2, Third 5 Points

- Ends in 5 days after the first person enters ( September 24, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Eastern Time Zone)

- Post yer effect with the card, otherwise you will be disqualified.



OCG: 15/100

Picture: 15/100

Balance: 20/100

Originality: 50/100



1st: DeMeNTeD

2ed: Кинг Ирон, J-Max, gustavosuarez, rodi666

3ed: dragoncreator12

[spoiler=In full]

Кинг Ирон


OCG: 14.5/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 99.5




OCG: 14.5/15

Picture: 14.5/15

Balance: 18.5/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 98.5




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 18/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 98




OCG: 14.5/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 99.5




OCG: 14/15

Picture: 14.5/15

Balance: 18.5/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 95




OCG: 13/15

Picture: 13.5/15

Balance: 18/20

Originality: 49/50

Total: 92.5




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 19.5/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 99.5


The Worm


OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 17/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 97




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 17/20

Originality: 46/50

Total: 92




OCG: 10/15

Picture: 13/15


Originality: 42/50

Total: 84




OCG: 13/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 17/20

Originality: 47/50

Total: 92




OCG: 13/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 40/50

Total: 87




OCG: 12/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 18/20

Originality: 47/50

Total: 91




OCG: 12/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 48/50

Total: 94




OCG: 14/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 47/50

Total: 95




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 19/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 99




OCG: 12/15

Picture: 13/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 40/50

Total: 85




OCG: 14/15

Picture: 14/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 98




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 19.5/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 99.5




OCG: 15/15

Picture: 15/15

Balance: 20/20

Originality: 50/50

Total: 100




[spoiler=Кинг Ирон]


This card is also treated as Pyro-Type. When this card attacks your opponent directly, you can negate the attack to Special Summon one level 4 or lower monster from your hand. If the monster is Pyro-Type, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent. If the card is Zombie-Type, your opponent draws one card.





Effect-This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Guardian of Orisis" and by removing from play 1 FIRE or LIGHT monster in your Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, all FIRE, WATER, LIGHT, or DARK monsters gain 700 ATK and loses 1000 DEF. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can destroy 1 FIRE, DARK, or LIGHT monster on your side of the field. If you do, this card gains equal to 1/4 of the selected card's ATK or DEF.





"Elephant Statue of Blessing" + "Elephant Statue of Disaster" + "Des Kangaroo".

As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, any of your monsters that are attacked are changed to Defence position. If the ATK of a monster that attacks a Defence position monster is lower than the DEF of the defending monster, destroy the attacking monster. Damage calculation is applied normally.





This card can only be activated if you control 1 face-up monster. During each of your Standby Phases you can change either the Attribute or Type of the equipped monster. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle and your opponent controls a face-up monster of the same Attribute or Type you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate the attack and gain control of the attacking monster until the End Phase.[/align]





[spoiler=Lore]1 Anti-Tuner + 3 Synchro monsters

When this card is Summoned, remove from play all Synchro and Dark Synchro monster from both player's Extra Deck, Graveyard and field. This card gains 500 ATK for every Synchro monster removed from play. This card gains 500 DEF for every Dark Synchro monster removed from play. If the ATK of this card is higher than 3500, it cannot attack Life Points Directly, if its lower than 2000, it can attack Life Points Directly. If this card is the target of an effect of a Spell or Trap card, remove from play 1 card from your hand to negate and destroy that card. While in face-up Defense Position, all Anti-Synchro monsters (except this card) had the ATK decreases by 1000 points. If this card is destroyed by battle, inflict 2000 of Directly Damage to both players Life Points.






Effect - This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by removing from play 2 LIGHT monsters. While this card is face-up on the field, its Type is also treated as Fairy. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.Each time a monster you control inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, increase your Life Points by 500.





[spoiler=effect!!] This card can only be Summoned while you control a face-up Fiend-Type monster on the field. When this card is Summoned, place 1 Soul Counter on this card (max. 3). This card gains 200 ATK for each Soul Counter on it. Each time this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, place 1 Soul Counter on this card. Once per turn, you can remove any number of Soul Counters from the field to have all face-up Fiend-Type monsters you control (except this card) gain 100 ATK for each Soul Counter removed until the end of the turn. One time only, you can remove 3 Soul Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. If this effect is activated, destroy all cards on the field at the end of the turn.




[spoiler=TheWorm 55]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 5 DARK Reptile-Type monsters with different names from your Graveyard. This card is also treated as FIRE. When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard. Select and activate 1 of the following effect depending on the type of card removed from play:

Monster: Increase the ATK of this card by an amount equal to the removed monster's Level X200.

Spell: Place 1 DD-Venom Counter on all monsters your opponent controls. Increase this card's ATK by an amount equal to the number of DD-Venom counters on the field x150 (all monsters with a DD-Venom counter on are removed from play when they are targeted by a Spell, Trap or monster effect).

Trap: Select 1 of your removed from play Trap Cards and add it to your hand.

When this card is destroyed, remove from play 5 monsters in either players' Graveyards.





[spoiler=lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Thunder-Type monsters

This cards Attribute is also treated as DARK, FIRE, WATER, WIND and EARTH. You can tribute 1 face-up Thunder-Type monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to the the Tributed monster's ATK until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster you control to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard to your side of the field.






You can Equip this card to any Warrior-Type Monster. Monster Equiped with this card gains 2000 attack, Monster Equiped with this card is removed from play at the end of battle phase.






This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be selected as an attack target. When a monster attacks, change that monster to DEF position. Once per turn you can destroy 1 set card your opponent controls. You can pay half your life points to have this card attack your opponent directly. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, destroy all cards on the field.





2 "Super Smash Bros.Brawl"monsters + 2 Super Smash Bros.Brawl Monsters.

This card gains ATK and DEF total to the number of tributed monsters stars x400






effect:You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card. If you negate an effect this way, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard during the End Phase






This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned with 3 tributes. When this card is Normal Summoned, destroy 4 cards on the field. The original ATK and DEF of this card is equal to the combined ATK of the cards destroyed by this card's effect (Spell and Trap cards count as having 0 ATK). As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the ATK of all other Thunder-type monsters is increased by 500.





[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Summoned, you gain 200 Life Points for each DARK monster in your Graveyard. Any Battle Damage involving DARK monsters becomes 0. Each time a DARK monster is destroyed by battle, this card gains 400 ATK. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 2 Level 3 or lower DARK monsters from your Deck.





Elemental Hero Shining Torsion



p><p>This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play the above Fusion Material Monsters you control. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Normal Monster Card to destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card on the field. When you have exactly 5 "Elemental Hero" monsters in your Graveyard, you can remove them from play to double this card




http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/2734/232354p.jpg' alt='232354p.jpg'>

Pay 2500 lifepoints to activate this effect.

Every turn pay 800 life points to destroy a card from your opponent's field.

If you don't do this, destroy this card.





[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Tribute Summoned succesfully, you can discard 1 Normal Monster from your hand to increase this cards ATK by the discarded monster's level x 200. If the discarded monster was a level 2 or lower monster, your opponent cannot set Trap Cards his/her next turn.






Effect:1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, flip all face-down Defense Position monsters on the field face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. Then, remove from play all LIGHT and DARK monsters on the field (except this card). This card gains 200 ATK for each card removed from play this way. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 of your removed from play LIGHT or DARK monsters. When this card is attacked, it loses 400 ATK for each card removed from play. When this card is destroyed, pay 1000 Life Points to return all of your removed from play monsters to your Graveyard and return this card to your Extra Deck.







This card is also treated as a Zombie and Spellcaster-Type monster. When this card is Summoned, destroy all face-down monsters on the field. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can pay 1000 Life Points to place 1 Corruption Fang Counter on 1 Monster Card Zone on your opponent's field. As long as this card remains on the field, monsters cannot be Set in Monster Card Zones with Corruption Fang Counters on them. All monsters Summoned in Monster Card Zones with Corruption Fang Counters on them are treated as Zombie-Type monsters. If this card is attacked by a Zombie-Type monster your opponent controls and destroys the attacking monster by battle, the Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent is doubled.



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Well done, milk.


This card is also treated as Pyro-Type. When this card attacks your opponent directly, you can negate the attack to Special Summon one level 4 or lower monster from your hand. If the monster is Pyro-Type, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent. If the card is Zombie-Type, your opponent draws one card.

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Uh...cool. Are you hiring any judges, and I want to be a contestant please. Can you Private Message me saying if I'm in or not. And also, could you Private Message everyone saying what you have to do for each round and stuff like that. I want to enter the contest. Thats it. 5 days left of entry, the clock starts to click.

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Ill enter!


"Elephant Statue of Blessing" + "Elephant Statue of Disaster" + "Des Kangaroo".

As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, any of your monsters that are attacked are changed to Defence position. If the ATK of a monster that attacks a Defence position monster is lower than the DEF of the defending monster, destroy the attacking monster. Damage calculation is applied normally.

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Pic found on a Hentai Website

This card can only be activated if you control 1 face-up monster. During each of your Standby Phases you can change either the Attribute or Type of the equipped monster. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle and your opponent controls a face-up monster of the same Attribute or Type you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate the attack and gain control of the attacking monster until the End Phase.[/align]


Thanks for setting up the contest Milky :P

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Alright my card:


Effect-This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Guardian of Orisis" and by removing from play 1 FIRE or LIGHT monster in your Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, all FIRE, WATER, LIGHT, or DARK monsters gain 700 ATK and loses 1000 DEF. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can destroy 1 FIRE, DARK, or LIGHT monster on your side of the field. If you do, this card gains equal to 1/4 of the selected card's ATK or DEF.

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Ok, I will join, here is my card:


[spoiler=Lore]1 Anti-Tuner + 3 Synchro monsters

When this card is Summoned, remove from play all Synchro and Dark Synchro monster from both player's Extra Deck, Graveyard and field. This card gains 500 ATK for every Synchro monster removed from play. This card gains 500 DEF for every Dark Synchro monster removed from play. If the ATK of this card is higher than 3500, it cannot attack Life Points Directly, if its lower than 2000, it can attack Life Points Directly. If this card is the target of an effect of a Spell or Trap card, remove from play 1 card from your hand to negate and destroy that card. While in face-up Defense Position, all Anti-Synchro monsters (except this card) had the ATK decreases by 1000 points. If this card is destroyed by battle, inflict 2000 of Directly Damage to both players Life Points.


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I want to join too


Here is my card



Effect - This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by removing from play 2 LIGHT monsters. While this card is face-up on the field, its Type is also treated as Fairy. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.Each time a monster you control inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, increase your Life Points by 500.

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im enter. here is my card.


[spoiler=effect!!] This card can only be Summoned while you control a face-up Fiend-Type monster on the field. When this card is Summoned, place 1 Soul Counter on this card (max. 3). This card gains 200 ATK for each Soul Counter on it. Each time this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, place 1 Soul Counter on this card. Once per turn, you can remove any number of Soul Counters from the field to have all face-up Fiend-Type monsters you control (except this card) gain 100 ATK for each Soul Counter removed until the end of the turn. One time only, you can remove 3 Soul Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. If this effect is activated, destroy all cards on the field at the end of the turn.


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Reserved, if I may. i will post the card later.

EDIT: Card is here:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 5 DARK Reptile-Type monsters with different names from your Graveyard. This card is also treated as FIRE. When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard. Select and activate 1 of the following effect depending on the type of card removed from play:

Monster: Increase the ATK of this card by an amount equal to the removed monster's Level X200.

Spell: Place 1 DD-Venom Counter on all monsters your opponent controls. Increase this card's ATK by an amount equal to the number of DD-Venom counters on the field x150 (all monsters with a DD-Venom counter on are removed from play when they are targeted by a Spell, Trap or monster effect).

Trap: Select 1 of your removed from play Trap Cards and add it to your hand.

When this card is destroyed, remove from play 5 monsters in either players' Graveyards.

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Thanks ^.^ wait my card is comming

Here it is ^.^


[spoiler=lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Thunder-Type monsters

This cards Attribute is also treated as DARK, FIRE, WATER, WIND and EARTH. You can tribute 1 face-up Thunder-Type monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to the the Tributed monster's ATK until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can send 1 monster you control to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard to your side of the field.


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I'll join :) (I made some OCG edits btw as well as a nerf)




This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by Tributing 2 WATER monsters you control. Control of this card cannot change. This card cannot be selected as an attack target. When this card is targeted by a card effect you can remove it from play and Special Summon it during your next Standby Phase. When a monster attacks, change that monster to DEF position. Once per turn you can destroy 1 set card your opponent controls. You can halve this card's ATK and have this card attack your opponent directly.

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